menziesia การใช้
- In the early 1940s, " Menziesia pilosa " was observed in these thickets.
- This rush grows in the understory of stands of menziesia ( " Menziesia ferruginea " ).
- This rush grows in the understory of stands of menziesia ( " Menziesia ferruginea " ).
- Subalpine fir is ubiquitous in the ESSF and is the most common associate of spruce throughout . ericaceous shrubs, mainly " Rhododendron albiflorum, Vaccinium membranaceum ", and " Menziesia ferruginea ", with " Vaccinium ovalifolium " in high-precipitation areas and " V . scoparium " in dry areas . " Ribes lacustre, Oplopanax horridus " and " Lonicera involucrata " are common shrubs on moist to wet sites.