microalbuminuria การใช้
- Microalbuminuria is an important adverse predictor of glycemic outcomes in pre-diabetes.
- Values between 30 300 mg / day are termed microalbuminuria which is considered pathologic.
- Hence prediabetes individuals with microalbuminuria warrant more aggressive intervention to prevent diabetes in them.
- Depending on the amount of albumin lost, a patient may have normal renal function, microalbuminuria, or albuminuria.
- Pre-diabetes individuals with increased microalbuminuria even in the so-called normal range is associated with increased progression to diabetes and decreased reversal to normoglycemia.
- Therefore, positive indication of any protein detected on a urine dipstick assay obviates any need to perform a urine microalbumin test as the upper limit for microalbuminuria has already been exceeded.
- All I can find is the ranges for microalbuminuria, which I'm sure is not the total valid range .-- & trade; 18 : 58, 18 October 2011 ( UTC)
- Clinically, macroalbuminuria ( a random urine albumin / creatinine ratio > 300 mg / g ) or microalbuminuria ( a random urine albumin / creatinine ratio 30 300 mg / g ) are early markers of renal injury.
- Microalbuminuria can be diagnosed from a 24-hour urine collection ( between 30 300 mg / 24 hours ) or, more commonly, from elevated concentration in a spot sample ( 20 to 200 mg / L ).
- It is a suitable pharmacological agent for the reduction of renal disease progression in patients with type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and microalbuminuria ( > 30 mg / 24 hours ) or proteinuria ( > 900 mg / 24 hours ).
- Persistent presence of more than 30 mg albumin per gram creatinine in the urine is diagnostic of chronic kidney disease ( microalbuminuria is a level of 30 mg / L to 299 mg / L urine or 30 299 mg / 24 h; a concentration of albumin in the urine that is not detected by usual urine dipstick methods ).
- Protein dipstick measurements should not be confused with the amount of protein detected on a test for microalbuminuria which denotes values for protein for urine in mg / day versus urine protein dipstick values which denote values for protein in mg / dL . That is, there is a basal level of proteinuria that can occur below 30 mg / day which is considered non-pathology.
- The Dutch Famine Birth Cohort Study, carried out by the departments of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Gynecology and Obstetrics and Internal Medicine of the Academic Medical Centre in Amsterdam, in collaboration with the MRC Environmental Epidemiology Unit of the University of Southampton in Britain, found that the children of pregnant women exposed to famine were more susceptible to diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease, microalbuminuria and other health problems.
- Based on a threshold level of 1.09 mg / L ( the 99th percentile in a population of 20-to 39-year-olds without hypertension, diabetes, microalbuminuria or macroalbuminuria or higher than stage 3 chronic kidney disease ), the prevalence of increased levels of cystatin C in the United States was 9.6 % in subjects of normal weight, increasing in overweight and obese individuals.