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microcline การใช้

  • These include, spodumene, microcline, beryl, and tourmaline.
  • The origin of the microcline in shear zones poses another problem.
  • Amazon stone, or amazonite, is a green variety of microcline.
  • Fresh clear microcline is very characteristic of some types of nepheline syenite.
  • It is associated with microcline and astrophyllite at Pikes Peak, Colorado.
  • Sanidine is stable at the highest temperatures, and microcline at the lowest.
  • It is essentially a microcline, sodalite and cancrinite variety of nepheline syenite.
  • It contains microcline, and few feldspar phenocrysts.
  • Typically the host grain is orthoclase or microcline, and the lamellae are albite.
  • However, microcline is commonly poikilitic, with abundant fine-grained plagioclase and quartz.
  • The feldspar is usually orthoclase, but can also be albite, oligoclase or microcline.
  • Rubicline occurs as small, abundant, rounded grains found within veins of rubidian microcline.
  • Unlike microcline, which can be yellow, red, or green, rubicline is colorless.
  • Related minerals include ewaldite, mckelveyite, synchysite, calcite, sphalerite, microcline, and analcime.
  • The feldspar of the granulites is mostly orthoclase or cryptoperthite; microcline, oligoclase and albite are also common.
  • In the case of the alkali feldspar minerals, thin white albite layers will alternate between typically pink microcline.
  • In general, the texture is similar to granodiorites, with zoned subhedral plagioclase, and anhedral microcline and quartz.
  • It occurs with zircon, ilmenorutile, fluorite, phenakite, scheelite, bertrandite, albite, microcline and quartz.
  • This is microcline or plagioclase feldspar of very high purity, and used to make porcelain teeth-fillings or dentures.
  • "' Llanite "'is a hypabyssally intruded variety of rhyolite with phenocrysts of microcline and euhedral quartz.
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