microfilaremia การใช้
- Filariasis such as loiasis most often consists of asymptomatic microfilaremia.
- Antigen detection using an immunoassay for circulating filarial antigens constitutes a useful diagnostic approach, because microfilaremia can be low and variable.
- Blood tests to reveal microfilaremia are useful in many, but not all cases, as one third of loiasis patients are amicrofilaremic.
- Individuals living in endemic areas with microfilaremia may never present with overt symptoms, whereas in other cases, only a few worms can exacerbate a severe inflammatory response.
- Areas at high risk of severe adverse reactions to mass treatment ( with Ivermectin ) are at present determined by the prevalence in a population of > 20 % microfilaremia, which has been recently shown in eastern Cameroon ( 2007 study ), for example, among other locales in the region.