microradian การใช้
- More common is arc second, which is | 648, 000 } } radians ( around 4.8481 microradians ).
- Applications that need microradian alignment accuracies include earth-to-space communications, earth-to-space ladar, master oscillator to power oscillator alignment, and multi-pass amplifiers.
- The typical angular acceptance is from a few microradians to tens of microradians and is related to the full width at half maximum ( FWHM ) of the rocking curve of the crystal.
- The typical angular acceptance is from a few microradians to tens of microradians and is related to the full width at half maximum ( FWHM ) of the rocking curve of the crystal.
- Smaller units like microradians ( ?rad ) and nanoradians ( nrad ) are used in astronomy, and can also be used to measure the beam quality of lasers with ultra-low divergence.
- Attitude control was to 0.1 degree, line-of-sight pointing stability is within 50 microradians over one second, and post-processing attitude knowledge is to 50 microradians.
- Attitude control was to 0.1 degree, line-of-sight pointing stability is within 50 microradians over one second, and post-processing attitude knowledge is to 50 microradians.
- This is often termed a " fast steering mirror ", or FSM . A gimbaled optical pointing system cannot mechanically track an object or stabilize a projected laser beam to much better than several hundred microradians.
- Light, however, has no appreciable momentum, and by reflecting from a computer-driven FSM, an image or laser beam can be stabilized to single microradians, or even a few hundred nanoradians.
- Due to its very low thrust ( in the micronewton to millinewton range ), FEEP thrusters are primarily used for microradian, micronewton attitude control on spacecraft, such as in the ESA / NASA LISA Pathfinder scientific spacecraft.
- According to a paper about Mars by JPL, the Pancam system can achieve an angular resolution of 300 microradians, which is three times better than the human eye . ] It can observe 14 spectral bands, and with two side-by side camera's can generate stereoscopic views of Mars, supporting the creation of large Mars panoroama's in excess of 10 Gbit uncompressed.