monoploid การใช้
- The term " monoploid " does not fit on this scale.
- The monoploid number is thus 7 and the haploid number is 3 ?7 = 21.
- :Polyploid plants can be formed from two monoploid parents, so the number of chromosomes can double in a single generation.
- The term is well established in this original sense, but it has also been used for doubled monoploids or doubled haploids, which are homozygous and used for genetic research.
- All strawberries have a base monoploid count of 7 chromosomes . " Fragaria moupinensis " is tetraploid, having 4 pairs of these chromosomes for a total of 28 chromosomes.
- In many other organisms, although the number of chromosomes may have originated in this way, this is no longer clear, and the monoploid number is regarded as the same as the haploid number.
- The Paspaleae have an ancestral number of chromosomes ( monoploid number ) of " x " = 10, unlike the Paniceae " sensu stricto " with " x " = 9, and are more closely related to the tribes Andropogoneae and Arundinelleae.
- The gametes of common wheat are considered to be haploid, since they contain half the genetic information of somatic cells, but they are not monoploid, as they still contain three complete sets of chromosomes ( " n " = 3 " x " ).
- The " Secale " ( domesticated rye ) may be a very early branch from the goat grass clad ( or goat grasses are a branch of early rye grasses ), as branch these are almost contemporary with the branching between monoploid wheat and " Aegilops tauschii ".
- I know in genetics, that they use terms like haploid for 1 / 2, and diploid for 2, and monoploid for 1; however, what theoretically might I call something that is 1.5-ploid ? talk ) 03 : 19, 16 November 2011 ( UTC)