motoscafo การใช้
- It is like a motoscafo trip in Venice, only better.
- Italian " Motoscafo armato silurante " ( MAS torpedo boats ) deployed through the Strait of Messina, but failed to find the convoy.
- The vessels are used by Comando Subacquei Incursori ( COMSUBIN ) for training and operational duties and are named MAS Motoscafo Appoggio Subacquei ( DSV Diving Support Vessel ).
- Therefore, an improved sea-going version was designed, the MTM ( " Motoscafo da Turismo Modificato " ), which also included a reverse gear.
- On 10 June 1940, the day Italy declared war, the Italian Red Sea Flotilla had seven destroyers organized into two squadrons, a squadron of five " Motoscafo Armato Silurante ", or MAS ) and eight submarines organized into two squadrons.
- The XMAS used a particular kind of torpedo, the SLC ( " Siluro a Lenta Corsa " ), whose crew was composed of two frogmen, and motorboats packed with explosives, called MTM ( " Motoscafo da Turismo Modificato " ).
- Later in the war, the Italian Navy developed a third type of explosive motorboat, the MTR ( " Motoscafo da Turismo Ridotto " ), a light version of the MTM for being carried to the intended target by submarine, on the same containers used to transport human torpedoes.