mumpsimus การใช้
- :: My Chambers Dictionary defines mumpsimus as " an error cherished after exposure : stubborn conservatism ".
- Despite this article's unsourced and tenuous assertions, there is no necessary connection between eggcorn, malapropism, or mondegreen and mumpsimus.
- :: : : There are some errors which do not become any less erroneous with the passage of time-- see Mumpsimus . . . talk ) 16 : 29, 28 March 2014 ( UTC)
- The English diplomat Richard Pace ( 1482 1536 ) included a variant in his 1517 work " De Fructu qui ex Doctrina Percipitur ", where the priest was English and had been saying " mumpsimus " for thirty years when corrected.
- I will go further to note that there are six sources cited : Two are dictionary definitions of'mumpsimus', one is a dictionary definition of'eggcorn', one is an example of a malapropism, and two are examples of mondegreen.
- In an 1883 polemic on errors in translations of the Christian Bible, John Burgon says : " If men prefer " their "'mumpsimus'to " our "'sumpsimus', let them by all means have it : but pray let them keep their rubbish to themselves & mdash; and at least leave our SAVIOUR's words alone ."
- On the other hand, Steven Pinker has observed that mondegreen mishearings tend to be " less " plausible than the original lyrics, and that once a listener has " locked in " to a particular misheard interpretation of a song's lyrics, it can remain unquestioned, even when that plausibility becomes strained ( for more on this sort of stubbornness, see Mumpsimus ).