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mungos การใช้

  • Delivery of 396 Mungos to the German Army began in 2005.
  • However, in 2008 the problems were fixed and Mungos were redeployed in Afghanistan.
  • Male juvenile " Mungos mungo " may reduce helping behaviors until sexual maturity is reached.
  • The rebuilding included a new church, St Mungos, in 1771, reputedly by Sir James himself.
  • In banded mongoose ( " Mungos mungo " ) juvenile male helpers contribute far less than females.
  • With the recent changes preventing school lets in St Mungos School, the Village Hall is now the only facilities with space for community activities and functions.
  • In 2007 all Mungos deployed to the ISAF mission were withdrawn, because the Mungo proved incapable of withstanding the harsh terrain and road conditions of Afghanistan.
  • Banded mongoose ( " Mungos mungo " ) groups vocalize more and inspect more scent samples in response to olfactory cues of neighbours than strangers.
  • Wild banded mongooses ( " Mungos mungo " ) regularly use anvils to open food items with a hard shell such as rhinoceros beetles, bird eggs, snail shells or pupating dung beetles.
  • As well as producing for Reality Shock, Kris Kemist has also recorded vocalists & mixed tracks for several other labels including Mungos Hifi's / Scotch Bonnet ( UK ) Jahtari ( GER ) & Jahmanican Records ( FR ).
  • The Cuban Brothers, Badly Drawn Boy, Dub Pistols Soundsystem, The Peatbog Faeries, Skerryvore, A Skillz, Slamboree, Sicknote, Mungos Hi Fi, King Porter Stomp, Bombskare, The Undercover Hippy, The John Langan Band, Beans On Toast, Mr Motivator
  • Hogwarts-school . net ( est . 2000 ), for example, is a forum-based roleplaying game which allows players to take classes, engage in extracurriculars, and also has many options for adult characters in St . Mungos, the Daily Prophet, and the Ministry of Magic.
  • Certain millipedes fall victim to one kind of African mongoose, Mungos mungo, Ms . Hubbell writes, which picks them up in its front paws and, " standing, hurls them backward between its legs at rocks, on which the hard cuticle shatters and uncurls, allowing the mongoose to eat the soft and tasty body parts within ."
  • De La Soul, Artful Dodger, Bez's Acid House, Howard Marks ( DJ Set & stand up ), Heatwave, The Nextmen, Ghetto Funk label party including JFB, Jus Now, Electric Swing Circus, Prince Fatty ft . The Horseman, Gypsy Disco, Will And The People, Mungos Hi Fi, Asbo Disco, Dreadsquad, Beans on Toast, Hector Bizerk, Federation of The Disco Pimp, Jinx In Dub, Monk3y Logic, The Black Diamond Express, Duncan Disorderly & The Scallywags, Solko, Biggles Wartime Band, Mr . Motivator.
  • :"'Genera "': Acinonyx, Addax, Aepyceros, Alcelaphus, Allenopithecus, Ammodorcas, Ammotragus, Anomalurus, Antidorcas, Antilope, Aonyx, Atherurus, Atilax, Bdeogale, Bos, Boselaphas, Bubalus, Canis, Capra, Capricornis, Cephalophus, Ceratotherium, Cercocebus, Cercopithecus, Cervus, Colobus, Connochaetes, Cricetomys, Crocidura, Crocuta, Crossarchus, Cryptomys, Ctenodactylus, Cynictis, Damaliscus, Dendrohyrax, Dicerus, Dorcatragus, Equus, Erythrocebus, Euoticus, Felis, Fennecus, Funisciurus, Galago, Galagoides, Gazella, Genetta, Gerbillus, Giraffa, Gorilla, Graphiurus, Heliosciurus, Helogale, Hemitragus, Herpestes, Heterohyrax, Hippopotamus, Hipposideros, Hippotragus, Hyaena, Hybomys, Hyemoschus, Hylochoerus, Hypsignathus, Hystrix, Ichneumia, Ictonyx, Kobus, Lemniscomys, Lepus, Litocranius, Loxodonta, Lutra, Lycaon, Macaca, Macroscelides, Madoqua, Malacomys, Mandrillus, Manis, Marmota, Mellivora, Melursus, Miopithecus, Moschus, Mungos, Mustela, Myonycteris, Myosciurus, Nandinia, Nemorhaedus, Neotragus, Nycteris, Ochotona, Octocyon, Oenomys, Okapia, Oreotragus, Orycteropus, Oryx, Otolemur, Ourebia, Ovis, Paguma, Pan, Panthera, Pantholops, Papio, Paraxerus, Pedetes, Pelea, Perodiciticus, Petaurista, Phacochoerus, Phacohoerus, Poecilogale, Poiana, Potamogale, Potomocherus, Praomys, Presbytis, Procapra, Procavia, Proteles, Protoxeros, Psammomys, Pseudois, Raphiceros, Redunca, Rupicapra, Scotoecus, Scotophilus, Selenarctos, Sus, Sylvicapra, Syncerus, Tatera, Tetracerus, Thamnomys, Theropithecus, Thryonomys, Tragelaphus, Trichechus, Ursus, Viverrra, Vulpes, Xerus and Zenkerella.