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nf-kb การใช้

  • Nuclear factor - kb ( nf - kb ) is one kind of cell transcription factor that exist in many kinds of cells in nervous system . it is also has great association with the process of neuronal degeneration and apoptosis . from the above we can see that tbi , secondary brain injury , apoptosis and cytokines associated tightly
  • Reported that chitosan or oligochitosan can synergistically induces no production by raw264 . 7 cells when the cells are treated with recombinant r - ifn . chitosan or oligochitosan alone has no effect on the production of no . the information above led us to determine whether oligochitosan can enhance no release in macrophages and to further determine whether nuclear factor - kappa b ( nf - kb ) is involved in the course of the activation
  • The protein level of nf - kb in nucleus peaks at 6 h after stimulation and persists for at least 6 h . pdtc ( pyrrolidinedithiocarbamate ) , an inhibitor of nf - kb , the effective concentration of it for nf - kb inhibition without any toxicity on cells is up to 100 umol / l , can significantly block no production induced by oligochitosan . although the study reported herein reveals that oligochitosan induces no production via nf - kb in macrophage , which is an important signaling mechanism of oligochitosan inducing immuno - enhancement of macrophage in vitro
  • Comprehensive cellular responses was found in human amnion fl cells following exposure to low concentration of mnng , such as the lowering of dna replication fidelity resulted from alteration of dna polymerase profile ; activation of a lot of transcription factors , such as api , creb , nf - kb etc ; clustering of egfr ( epidermal growth factor receptor ) and tnfr ( tumor necrosis factor receptor ) and activation of camp - pka - creb and jnk / sapk signal pathways
  • The cells were then stimulated with various concentrations and incubation times of oligochitosan to study dose - dependent and time - dependent manners . the effect of oligochitosan on the production of no released by raw264 . 7 cells was evaluated by griess method , which was also used to evaluate the effect of nf - kb inhibitor on no production induced by oligochitosan . western blot was performed to detect the protein content of nf - k b in the nuclear extract
  • Pathological , biochemical and molecular biological technique were used to study the changes of bcl - 2 , bax , caspase - 1 , caspase - 3 and nf - kb after brain contusion aim to investigate the relationship among them and apoptosis and try to provide some objective marker and theory basis to the judgment on post - traumatic intervals and severity of brain injury