octastyle การใช้
- A full room bay arrangement punctuates the otherwise rectilinear plan form and is surmounted by a distinctive octastyle roof.
- It had an octastyle portico that projected from a full-width portico, all supported by eight, two-story fluted columns.
- At the end of the sixth century, a grand temple was built, which was probably octastyle ( with a facade of eight columns ) and peripteral.
- The exact date of the restoration is not known, but the restored temple is shown on coins of 158 onwards, which depict it with an octastyle design with Victory.
- The most significant of Barry's designs that were not carried out included, his proposed Law Courts ( 1840 41 ), that if built would have covered Lincoln's Inn Fields with a large Greek Revival building, this rectangular building would have been over three hundred by four hundred feet, in a Greek Doric style, there would have been octastyle porticoes in the middle of the shorter sides and hexastyle porticoes on the longer sides, leading to a large central hall that would have been surrounded by twelve court rooms that in turn were surrounded by the ancillary facilities.