oil-burning การใช้
- Standard for the installation of oil - burning equipment
- Standard for safety for waste oil - burning air - heating appliances
- Waste oil - burning air - heating appliances
- Standard for safety for oil - burning stoves
- Pumps for oil - burning appliances
- Commercial industrial gas and or oil - burning assemblies with emission reduction equipment
- Because of the behindhand facilities and technology of coal combustion , there are certain problems such as low combustion efficiency , serious pollution problems or costly fuel cost in a large number of regular boilers ( including pulverized - coal - fired boilers , chain grate stoker boilers , oil - burning boilers ) in our country
- Directing against the property of emusified orimulsion oil defering from that of general fuel oils , the oil - burning system of orimulsion oil fired 600 mw subcritical unit has been analysed , the performance requirements of selecting related equipments for the oil - burning system being put forward , to ensure the orimulsion oil to he stable transported and burned