omnibenevolence การใช้
- Hence, omnibenevolence is a requisite of perfect being theology.
- Such a choice would be incompatible with God's infinite mercy or omnibenevolence.
- Some Hyper-Calvinist interpretations reject omnibenevolence.
- Christian apologist William Lane Craig argues that Islam does not hold to the idea of omnibenevolence.
- The attributes praised are those of omnipresence, omnipotence, omniscience, omnibenevolence, and infinite love.
- This does not allow the absolute form of omnibenevolence required for the consideration of the absolute form of theodicy in general.
- Such absence of omnibenevolence is one kind of theist counterargument to the notion that the problem of evil poses any great logical challenge to theism.
- :The role of the Guardian is similar to God in Monkey Magic universe, and he seemingly possesses the attributes of omnipotence, omnipresence, omniscient and omnibenevolence.
- Adams'theory attempts to counter the challenge that morality might be arbitrary, as moral commands are not based solely on the commands of God, but are founded on his omnibenevolence.
- Divine command theory has also been criticised for its apparent incompatibility with the omnibenevolence of God, moral autonomy and religious pluralism, although some scholars have attempted to defend the theory from these challenges.
- There is also debate regarding the compatibility of moral free will ( to select good or evil action ) with the absence of evil from heaven, with God's omniscience and with his omnibenevolence.
- Mackie's formulation of the logical problem of evil argued that three attributes of God, omniscience, omnipotence, and omnibenevolence, in orthodox Christian theism are logically incompatible with the existence of evil.
- "' Omnipotence "'is the quality of having unlimited power . philosophies of Abrahamic religions, omnipotence is often listed as one of a deity's characteristics among many, including omniscience, omnipresence, and omnibenevolence.
- Dystheists may themselves be theists or atheists, and in the case of either, concerning the nature of the God of Jonathan Edwards, a devout theist, describes a God full of vengeful rage and contempt, seemingly different from one with Christ-like omnibenevolence.
- Proponents of Pandeism contend that benevolence ( much less omnibenevolence ) is simply not required to account for any property of our Universe, as a morally neutral deity which was powerful enough to have created our Universe as we experience it would be, by definition, able to have created our Universe as we experience it.
- Julian lived in a time of turmoil, but her theology was optimistic and spoke of God's Omnibenevolence and love in terms of joy and compassion . " Revelations of Divine Love " " contains a message of optimism based on the certainty of being loved by God and of being protected by his Providence ."
- "' Natural evil "'is evil for which no non-divine agent can be held morally responsible for its occurrence . By contrast, moral evil is caused by human activity . The existence of natural evil challenges belief in the omnibenevolence or the omnipotence of deities and the existence of deities including God.
- Numerous variants of the theory have been presented : historically, figures including Saint Augustine, Duns Scotus, and Thomas Aquinas have presented various versions of divine command theory; more recently, Robert Merrihew Adams has proposed a " modified divine command theory " based on the omnibenevolence of God in which morality is linked to human conceptions of right and wrong.
- A similar account is found in the New Testament epistles where in 2 Thessalonians 1 : 8-9 ( King James Version ) the distinction between the elect of God and the non-elect is clearly distinguished stating : " In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ : / Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power . " Therein everlasting punishment upon the non-elect does not allow the absolute form of omnibenevolence required for the absolute form of theodicy when discussed on the basis of the New Testament narratives as well.