orificial การใช้
- The numbers of those subjected to orificial surgery during its brief heyday are estimated in the tens of thousands.
- As historian Ira Rutkow observed, " by the 1920s, orificial surgery had become little more than a vague memory ".
- The National Association of Orificial Surgeons was formed soon thereafter, with a constitutional provision that Dr . Prat would be the only one ever granted honorary membership.
- The US " Orificial Surgery Society " for female " circumcision " operated until 1925, and clitoridectomies and infibulations would continue to be advocated by some through the 1930s.
- According to his own much-retold account, Pratt came up with the idea of orificial surgery while supervising the Chicago Homeopathic College clinic, which he took over as head of surgery in 1883.
- Pratt's " orificial philosophy " held that most health problems were due to malformations of the orifices all orifices of the body, including the nose and mouth, but usually specifically those located below the waist.
- He was a particularly strong advocate of circumcision as a cure for rape, opining that if only rapists " had received the proper orificial attention earlier in their lives their criminal career would undoubtedly have been prevented . " He advocated removal of the hood of the clitoris as a cure for female masturbation, and hysterectomies as a cure for female insanity.