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orm การใช้

  • Victory, Sweden @ : SWE-73, named Orm.
  • Both Orm and Luta are carried away by the polar wind.
  • It is possible that Orm Erikson was then living at Skagen.
  • The long-term rating is " outperf orm ."
  • The ORM / active-record model is popular with web frameworks.
  • In the ORM, these additional restrictions are placed on primary keys:
  • Orm Embar told Ged the history of the ring half he carried.
  • Orm turns down his reward and beseeches the queen to spare Gerda.
  • Orm hears from Black Manta that the Trench failed to kill Arthur.
  • ORM-15341 is the main active metabolite of darolutamide.
  • The ORM Layer takes care of both database integrity and also object caching.
  • FedEx Ground does not transport ORM-D packages to Alaska or Hawaii.
  • The battle resulted in the death of both Orm and Erreth-Akbe.
  • The NORMA ( Natural ORM Architect ) tool is an open source project.
  • The CMS ORM automatically creates database tables and fields for storing content data.
  • Since 1.7 the integrated ORM is to be preferred to South.
  • Orm is a serpent, Orn an eagle.
  • In Dec 2013, Hibernate ORM 4.3 . 0 Final was released.
  • ORM is part of the European Northern Observatory.
  • Orm arrives in Boston, attacking seafarers and asking for his brother, Aquaman.
  • ตัวอย่างการใช้เพิ่มเติม:   1  2  3