overnet การใช้
- The eDonkey client supports both the eDonkey2000 network and the Overnet network.
- Overnet was the creation of Jed McCaleb, the creator of eDonkey2000.
- Most eDonkey clients also now use the Overnet network.
- Before the takedown of Overnet and eDonkey2000, the two clients had merged into one client known as eDonkey2000.
- As of 16 October 2007, the Overnet Protocol is still being used by the Storm botnet for communication between infected machines.
- The transaction follows acquisitions of Compuserve Argentina SA, a unit of Compuserve Corp ., in November and of OVERnet last month.
- To overcome this problem, MetaMachine, the developer of the original eDonkey client, developed Overnet as a successor to the eDonkey protocol.
- MetaMachines has also created another file-sharing network called Overnet, which interoperates with the eDonkey network, but without the use of servers.
- In 2004, MetaMachines announced it would stop development of Overnet to concentrate on eDonkey2000 ( though the eDonkey2000 client now includes the Overnet protocol ).
- In 2004, MetaMachines announced it would stop development of Overnet to concentrate on eDonkey2000 ( though the eDonkey2000 client now includes the Overnet protocol ).
- In January 2003, Slyck . com reported brief friction between MLDonkey developers and the official Overnet MetaMachine developers, which denounced MLDonkey as a " rogue client ", allegedly for incorrect behavior on the network.
- Eight years after the first " Super Discount " album, came " Super Discount 2 " with the original team, and the addition of peer-to-peer clients : " Overnet ", " Napster ", and so on . 蓆ienne de Cr閏y, talking about the concept for the third album, said : you have to be autistic in working in the music industry not to realize that something happens through the MP3 exchanges.