panathenaea การใช้
- Other duties of the archons included supervising the Panathenaea and Dionysia festivals.
- A dithyrambic chorus at the Panathenaea cost only 300 drachmas.
- The peplos played a role in the Athenian festival of the Great Panathenaea.
- The Panathenaea also included poetic and musical competitions.
- Every four years, the Athenians held a festival called the Panathenaea that rivaled the Olympic Games in popularity.
- The first Great Panathenaea was held during the rule of stadion " ( foot race ) was more important.
- Neaira visited Athens again for the Great Panathenaea of 378, this time accompanying Simus of Thessaly, a young aristocrat.
- The larger peplos was woven every four years by male professional weavers, and was presented to Athena at the Greater Panathenaea.
- He also proposed to extend the " symmoriai " to the liturgies of the great Panathenaea and Dionysia festivals as well.
- The competitions for which this festival came to be known were only part of a much larger religious occasion; the Great Panathenaea itself.
- A sister-event to the Great Panathenaea was held every year-the Lesser Panathenaea, which was 3 4 days shorter in celebration.
- A sister-event to the Great Panathenaea was held every year-the Lesser Panathenaea, which was 3 4 days shorter in celebration.
- The smaller peplos was woven annually by the ergastinai, and offered as a robe for the statue of Athena Polias during the Lesser Panathenaea.
- Every four years, for the Great Panathenaea, the " peplos " was for a much larger statue of Athena and could be used as a sail.
- Each year, preparations are begun for a specialized peplos ( a robed garment worn by Greek women ) which is made to be offered to the goddess at another festival, the Panathenaea.
- The " Perseis " was at first highly successful and was said to have been read, together with the Homeric poems, at the Panathenaea, but later critics reversed this favorable judgment.
- Many Athenian laws were falsely attributed to early lawgivers, but it is at least clear that by the fourth century the Homeric poems were a compulsory part of the Panathenaea, and were to be recited in order.
- At the " Panathenaea Convention " in London, England, on September 2, 2000, Willa O'Neill mentioned that she did her own singing in " The Bitter Suite . " She explained that she had to audition to Joseph LoDuca in Detroit by telephone.
- There, a new robe of woven wool ( " peplos " ) was placed on either the statue of Athena Polias in the Erechtheum ( during a regular Panathenaea ) or on the statue of Athena Parthenos in the Parthenon ( during the Great Panathenaea, held every four years ).
- There, a new robe of woven wool ( " peplos " ) was placed on either the statue of Athena Polias in the Erechtheum ( during a regular Panathenaea ) or on the statue of Athena Parthenos in the Parthenon ( during the Great Panathenaea, held every four years ).
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