pantomimist การใช้
- Pantomimist Marcel Marceau is 79 . Composer-lyricist Stephen Sondheim is 72.
- Yates was a pantomimist frequently himself seen as Harlequin.
- In the 1970s, Curtis founded American Mime, Inc . and International Mimes & Pantomimists.
- For 25 years, Aloke Roy has been taking his troupe of pantomimists into New Delhi's slums.
- He performed as a mimic and pantomimist for local parties in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, before enrolling in college.
- Charlie Chaplin called him " the best pantomimist in the world, " according to the vaudeville museum.
- D'Auban and John Warde were billed as the theatre's " principal grotesque dancers and pantomimists ".
- "Never get a mime talking, " says the famous French pantomimist with a gleam in his eyes.
- "' P醠 RegQs "'(; 7 March 1926 in Budapest, Hungarian pantomimist, choreographer, and director of Szk閚?Theatre.
- After this he appeared at the Grimaldi in a very efficient manner, and was one of the most diverting pantomimists who ever delighted a holiday audience.
- His mobile countenance mirrored every emotion so perfectly, each varying mood was portrayed so truly, that it was hard to believe that this man was naught but a pantomimist.
- A rather odd character who wore the white paint of a pantomimist, Langdon departed from the starchier styles of his contemporaries and adopted a childlike screen persona that critics found both annoying and fascinating.
- A wispy court clown, he's 140 pounds of pantomimist, grimacer, and pure enjoyment, a lefthander ( naturally ) and " very happy to be playing in France, " he said.
- In ABC " The Hollywood Palace " twice in 1966, first on 8 January, performing as Charles Cairoli and Company then on 7 May when he was introduced as a " British Comic Pantomimist ".
- But what exactly ( italics ) is ( end italics ) black theater, I thought, studying images of pantomimists, ventriloquists, blues singers, jazz musicians, languid ballroom dancers, cakewalkers and natty tappers, loud-talking vaudevillians and high-minded thespians.
- What was I supposed to do, though, with the pictures of black practitioners and masters of forms mostly created and developed by Europeans and European-Americans _ ballroom dancers, pantomimists, operetta stars and lines of chorus dancers in tulle and feathers or black tie and tails?
- Here's where the apprehension comes in : While almost everyone agrees it's time for a face lift, almost no one wants the collection of eclectic shops, street people, fire-eaters, pantomimists and funky restaurants to be transformed into yet another carefully planned, tidy, trendy urban mall.
- The principal dancer was Anna Bossi, from the Opera-house, St Petersburg, and the pantomimists ( playing mysterious fiddlers who accompany Bertram ) were John D'Auban ( who was later Gilbert's choreographer ) and John Warde ( brother of Willie Warde ), who had previously worked with Hollingshead at the Alhambra Theatre.