peece การใช้
- John Playford's 1650 manual " The Dancing Master " gives the tune as " The Night Peece ".
- The tune also goes by the name " Derry Down " . " The Night Peece " is the name of a dance in Playford's books.
- The Amman conference is a follow up to the Mideast economic summit heldeinsCa ablanca last year, wsich brought together Israel and Arab countries as part of the overall peEce process.
- Hall apparently claimed also to have female anatomy, described as " a peece of an hole ", but Atkins and the women said that they could find no evidence of this.
- The slogans, which will be heard in radio spots and seen on billboards, include " Peece, Luv, Chikin " and " Give Chikin A Chance ."
- Eddie begins talking again when he testifies in front of the Red Brick Church announcing he will not only not join the church, but will also speak in favor of " Warren Peece " at the school board meeting.
- Earle's chief title to remembrance is his witty and humorous work, " Microcosmographie ", or a " Peece of the World discovered, in Essayes and Characters ", which throws light on the manners of the time.
- Fill every of those pottes halfe with grosse gunpowder pressed downe harde, and with one of the five severall mixtures next following in this Chapter, fill up the other half of those pottes : This done, cover the mouth of every potte with a peece of canvasse bound hard about the mouth of the potte, and well imbrued in melted brimstone.
- They left London on 1 May but were captured by a Dunkirk ship on the 23rd, which, " tooke from us two Hogsheads of strong Beere, our Muskets, a Fowling Peece of Master Weldens, which cost three pounds sterling . " They arrived at Cherry Island on 2 July and four days later began hunting walrus, now killing them with both " shot and javelings ".
- In his will, dated 8 September 1630, George Abell states ( original spelling retained ), I bequeath unto my second sonne Robert Abell onelie a Twentie shilling peece for his childs parte in regard of ye charges I have beene at in placeing him in a good trade in London wch hee hath made noe use of and since in furnishing him for newe England where I hope he now is .
- "Pace vpon this discouery, securing his house, before day rowed ouer the Riuer to James-City ( in that place neere three miles in bredth ) and gaue notice thereof to the Gouernor, by which meanes they were preuented there, and at such other Plantations as was possible for a timely intelligence to be giuen; for where they saw vs standing vpon our Guard, at the sight of a Peece they all ranne away.
- Kenilw ., At which time there wer fire-works shewed upon the water; the which were both strange and wel executed . 1590 WEBBE Trav . ( Arb . ) 29, I my selfe was there constrained to make a cunning peece of fire work framed in form like to ye Arke of Noy . " Looks like a variation on the-works trend, coming initially from any sorts of explosives or fire-involved " works ", later being generalized as explosives, and finally as pyrotechnic displays .-- talk ) 21 : 32, 9 November 2009 ( UTC)
- The record states that Your Orators Edward Smithweck and John Smithweck sonnes and heirs of Hugh Smithweck Late of precinct of Chowan deceased Humbly Sheweth That whereas " your Orators Father Hugh Smithweck comeing into this County about some 35 yeares since did seat upon a peece of Land in Chowan precinct and from time to time paid quitt rents for it being 416 Acres " " That sometime about 18 years since one Nathaniel Batts seats downe upon part of the said tract of Land and in some small time after sells his right to his Labour of the said Land where he satt downe to one William Woollard who although often warned to the contrary would buy it"
- Did there publickly declare that it was treason in this Examinant and the said Clark to hinder & deteine the said Armes from them by virtue of the said warrant ( they then pretending themselues to be his Maiesties subjects ) And therevpon committed both of them to the towne gaole of Galway where they remained for the space of 10 or 12 dayes following vntil they were released by the Erle of Clanrickard, And this Examinant further saith That the said Erle of Clanrickard did make an end of the said differences betweene the merchant of the said shipp & the said Robert Clarke, and did assure the said Clarke that all things shold be fairly carried But the said Erle Leaving the said towne of Galway the said Dominick Keghran factor to the said Tho : Linch with divers others, ( by the direction of the said Mr Darcy and "'Mr Martin "'( as this examinant verely beleeveth went aboard the said shipp & carrjed with them seuerall boats, vpon pretence to vnlade the salt, And vpon their comeing to the said shipp ( the said Clark being at the fort, and some of his men to out of the ship to fetche Ballast ) entered the said ship and killd the Masters Mate and twoe or 3 more of the men aboard the said shipp and wounded seuerall others there, & soe possessed themselues wholly of the said shipp, being of the burden of three hundred tun or thereabouts, And likewise tooke out of the said shipp, about tenn peece of ordinance, which were landed presently, and planted against his Maiesties fort And further this Examinant saith That in the beginning of the Rebellion, vntill such tyme as the said Mr Darcie and "'Mr Martin "'came to the towne of Galway, they within the said fort were furnished of such necessaries as they wanted for their moneys But after the comeing of the said Mr Darcy and "'Mr Martin "'to the said towne, the townsmen admitted the Irish people of Err Connaght, to come into the said towne, whoe robbed this examinant and the English Inhabitants within the said towne and Killd & murthered seuerall of them : Amongst which they cut off the heads of one "'John Fox & his wiffe "', and murthered one "'Mris Collins "'as she was kneeling at her prayers, And as this examinant hath heard, after the said murders were committed the Irish tumbled the heads of the heads of the said ffox & his wiffe about the streets, "'And further saith That at althoughe the said people of Err Connaght had robbed and murthered the English as aforesaid : yet neither the Maior or Aldermen of Galway aforesaid or the said Darcy or Martin did any way punish the offenders, but rather abetted and manteined them in their barbarous cruelties "'