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percidae การใช้

"percidae" แปล  
  • It is in the perch family ( family Percidae ) of the order Perciformes.
  • The orangefin darter is in the Percidae family.
  • Best represented are members of the Catostomidae, Centrarchidae, Cyprinidae, Elassomatidae, Fundulidae, Ictaluridae, Lepisosteidae, Percidae, Petromyzontidae and Poeciliidae.
  • They are members of the family Percidae and include members of the " Ammocrypta, Crystallaria, Etheostoma " and " Percina " genera.
  • Page L . M ., B . M . Burr . " Three New Subspecies of Darters Percidae " Etheostoma " of the Subgenus Nanostoma from Kentucky and Tennessee.
  • The walleye ( " Sander vitreus " ) is sometimes called a pickerel, but it is unrelated to the pike, being a member of the perch family ( Percidae ).
  • The "'river darter "'( " Percina shumardi " ) is a benthic species of freshwater fish in the Percidae family ( Perches and Darters ) of order Perciformes.
  • The "'blenny darter "'( " Etheostoma blennius " ) is a poorly known species of fish in the family Percidae, from Alabama and Tennessee that inhabits swift riffles.
  • *Layman, Steven R ., and Richard L . Mayden . 2012 . " Morphological diversity and phylogenetics of the darter subgenus Doration ( Percidae : Etheostoma ), with descriptions of five new species ".
  • [Kelly et al .,  Diversification of egg-deposition behaviours and the evolution of male parental care in darters ( Teleostei : Percidae : Etheostomatinae ) .  Evolutionary Biology 25 ( 2012 ) : 836-846]
  • "Percina " are benthic and benthic-associated fishes . " Percina sciera " belongs to the family Percidae, which along with Etheostomatinae comprise approximately 20-percent of the recognized diversity in North American freshwater fish.
  • The "'highland darter "'( " Etheostoma teddyroosevelt " ) is a fish in the Percidae family and is found in the White river drainages on the Ozark Plateau of Missouri, Arkansas, extreme southeastern Kansas, and northeastern Oklahoma.
  • Their scientific name is a jawbreaker _ Stizostedion vitreum _ but it identifies them as members of the Percidae or perch family, close cousins of the slightly larger Stizostedion lucioperca, a prized European food fish that is known as fogas in Hungary, sandre in France, zander in Germany and pike-perch in Britain.
  • Nearly 80 species of fish and shellfish are commercially harvested from seamounts, including spiny lobster ( Palinuridae ), mackerel ( Scombridae and others ), red snapper ( " Lutjanus campechanus " ), tuna ( Scombridae ), Orange roughy ( " Hoplostethus atlanticus " ), and perch ( Percidae ).
  • These include species in the Catostomidae family ( 110 White Sucker, 23 Longnose Sucker, and 103 specimens from other Catostomus species ), Percidae family ( 34 Yellow perch and 1 Walleye ), as well as 12 Ictaluridae, 14 largemouth bass and 4 smallmouth bass, 5 Centrarchidae, and specimens from several other species.
  • The "'emerald darter "'( " Etheostoma baileyi " ), a fish species in the family Percidae found only in northern and eastern Kentucky and northeastern Tennessee . " E . baileyi " is a member of the snubnose darter subgenus ( " Ulocentra " ) and shares many similarities with other species in the group, such as eight or nine dorsal saddles, a blunt nose, scales on the belly, and other distinguishing characteristics.