phanerogamae การใช้
- Moreover, Eichler was the first taxonomist to separate the Phanerogamae into Angiosperms and Gymnosperms and the former into Dicotyledonae.
- These terms distinguished those plants with hidden sexual organs ( cryptogamae ) from those with visible sexual organs ( phanerogamae ).
- The system was based on dividing the plant kingdom into those plants with concealed reproductive organs ( non-floral ), the ( Cryptogamae, = hidden reproduction ) and those with visible reproductive organs ( floral ), the ( Phanerogamae, = visible reproduction ).
- Initially higher plants ( Embryophyta or terrestrial plants ) were considered in two divisions, " Embryophyta Asiphonogama " ( bryophytes, pteridophytes ) and " Embryophyta Siphonogama " ( Spermatophytes : gymnosperms, angiosperms ), but were later subdivided . " Embryophyta Siphonogama " replaced the older term Phanerogamae, and the classes were further divided into groups of families, called orders.