photoelasticity การใช้
- This can be utilized in the determination of stresses in structures using photoelasticity.
- Stress from mounting can introduce aberration in the light reflected from a mirror, or photoelasticity inside a lens.
- Through this practice he discovered photoelasticity, which is a means of determining the stress distribution within physical structures.
- The polarization of the photoluminescence is related to the strain in a material by way of the given material's photoelasticity tensor.
- This led to the development of dynamic photoelasticity, which has contributed greatly to the study of complex phenomena such as fracture of materials.
- Polivka performed the photoelasticity for the Podolsko Bridge is an arch bridge that spans the Vltava between Podolsko and Temeav醨 in P韘ek District, Czech Republic.
- A comparison ( using transmission photoelasticity ) between the stress diffusion in an elastic body ( on the left ) and a model of masonry ( on the right ).
- Because of the transparency of glass, the internal stress within these objects can be demonstrated by viewing them through filters, a technique used in the study of photoelasticity.
- The working principle of two-dimensional photoelasticity allows the measurement of retardation, which can be converted to the difference between the first and second principal stress and their orientation.
- Sometimes the change in state of polarization depends on wavelength, which gives the startling colours and patterns seen in plastics between crossed polarizers ( see photoelasticity ), or car windscreens illuminated by partially polarized skylight and viewed through polarizing sunglasses.
- "' Robert P . Behringer "'( born October 26, 1948 ) is an American physicist based at Duke University, whose research first dealt with Critical phenomena and transport properties in fluid helium, such as Rayleigh-B閚ard convection, and since 1986 has been involved with granular material, where his most notable achievements have been in the development of the technique of photoelasticity to study spatio-temporal fluctuations.