polystyle การใช้
- A'Mr Benn Annual'( ISBN 0-85096-029-0 ) was published by Polystyle Publications Ltd in 1972.
- Originally started by Beaverbrook, it was published by Polystyle Publications from 1960 and featured stories based on television series running at the time of publication.
- Overseas, Polystyle's publications were distributed by its sole agents : for Australia and New Zealand, Messrs Gordon & Gotch ( Asia ) Ltd; for South Africa, the Central News Agency Ltd.
- Re-prints had previously appeared in Polystyle Publications "'Countdown " ( briefly titled " TV Action + Countdown " ) and " Thunderbirds Holiday Special " series in the 1970s and 1980s.
- The books have had various publishers over the years including the Dickens Press, a company set up to continue the book publishing interests of the'News Chronicle', and Polystyle Publications, a publisher of children's comics.
- With them already familiar with this type of work, a deal was struck between Sun and Polystyle to print " Countdown " for one calendar year ( 52 issues ) for the cost of the materials only all machine-time was free of charge.
- Nevertheless, Polystyle did achieve a long-running success with the concept in a slightly younger market, with its all-humour title " TV Comic ", aimed at 5-to 10-year-olds, which ran for more than 30 years.
- "TV Comic " is notable for printing " Doctor Who " stories from 1964 to 1979 ( except for the period between 1971 and 1973, when the strip was instead published in another Polystyle title, " Supercar " and " Fireball XL5 " until Anderson's titles became the focus of a rival publication, " TV Century 21 ".
- However, Polystyle Publications had only taken into account the fact that " TV21 " had been discontinued, which they looked upon merely as an opportunity to acquire the licence to use the Anderson shows, without noticing that the popularity of the puppet-based strips in " TV21 " had drastically declined because those shows were no longer in production, so were no longer being seen on TV every week.