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porion การใช้

  • MBENGA SHINES : During the open porion of Thursday morning's scrimmage, rookie DJ Mbenga showed off his athleticism.
  • The determination of the Frankfort plane differs between skeletal and soft tissues, soft tissue using the tragus as the landmark in place of the porion.
  • On 27 March 1791 the electors chose, on the fourth ballot, the cur?of Saint-Nicolas-sur-les-Foss閟 at Arras, Pierre-Joseph Porion.
  • He was a pupil of Jacques Champion de Chambonni鑢es and achieved a very high reputation at the court, at one point giving concerts for the King every week, performing together with the lutenist Porion.
  • There were French specialists such as Gilbert Lachaume ( Goliathini ), Jean-Pierre Lacroix ( Lucanidae ), Patrick Bleuzen ( Cerambycidae ), Thierry Porion ( Curculionidae ), Roger-Paul Dechambre ( Dynastidae ), Marc Soula ( Rutelinae ) or Patrick Arnaud ( Scarabaeidae ), but also authorities from Belgium : Vincent Allard ( Cetoniidae ); Switzerland : Ti閞y Lander ( Buprestidae ); Mexico : Miguel-Angel Mor髇 ( Rutelidae ); Italy : Pierfranco Cavazzuti, Pietro Ratti, Achile Casale ( Carabidae ); and Germany : Karl Werner ( Cicindelidae ).