porringer การใช้
- If they used porringers, they were often silver instead of pewter.
- Porringers resembled the smaller quaich, a Scottish drinking vessel.
- In more modern times, some manufacturers of porringers have produced them without handles.
- She mixed milk and poison within a porringer, serving it to Thomas for breakfast.
- Porringer : a cuplike serving bowl with one handle ( or, rarely, two ).
- These types of porringers appear to be deep bowls, with the sides being nearly totally flat.
- The booty included gold dust, bars of silver, Spanish dollars, rubies, diamonds, candlesticks and porringers.
- She subsequently attempts to extort the money from Runkle by pinching his porringer, although that had proved to be a bust.
- Bertie tries to set this aright by returning the porringer, but is caught, and hides the object in his bureau drawer.
- Wooden porringers are occasionally found from excavations; e . g . 16th-century example from Southwark and 11th century from Winchester.
- Or the oblongs and moons of crystal, as much a part of a bride's registry as the silver porringer nut dish.
- A second, modern usage, for the term porringer is a double saucepan similar to a bain-marie used for cooking porridge.
- Dahlia, meanwhile, failing to convince Runkle to give Tuppy his due, has purloined the silver porringer he wished to sell to Tom.
- The second is two-handled porringer inscribed " The Gift of Mrs Henry Favell of Pontefract to the Church of Normanton for ever 1699"
- But those who admire the handmade tankards, porringers and coffeepots of the 18th and early 19th centuries may wonder how they compare with the later ones.
- Magistrates ceremoniously gave Penn " one turf with a twigg upon it " and a " porringer with River water and soyle ."
- No jarring conversation pieces, though Timothy does lap his water from a sterling silver porringer that is an heirloom from Ms . Zabar's Manhattan babyhood.
- Back at Brinkley, Bingley ( in Runkle's employ ) discovers the purloined porringer in Bertie's drawer, and Runkle accuses Bertie of the crime.
- Related vessels to the Scottish quaich include the porringer, a larger vessel typically in diameter with one ( US colonial ) or two ( European ) horizontal handles.
- The inventory of his estate included two pewter candlesticks, forty-two pewter dishes, four porringers, thirty-six spoons, one bedpan, and one still.
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