postea การใช้
- Inde postea hiereneus qui fuit eps Lugdunensis Gallei.
- Inde postea beatus policarpus discipulus sci iohannis.
- He was one of those " qui postea facti sunt comites " ( " who was later made count " ).
- Later, Parthian kings found in him their origin ( " Parthis deinde domitis praefectus his statuitur ex nobilibus Persarum Andragoras; inde postea originem Parthorum reges habuere . " ) Justin, xii . 4
- At the end of the 14th century he was described in the'Chronicle of Melsa'as " second to no other merchant of England " ( " nulli Angligenae mercatori postea secundus fuit " ).
- It is mentioned as such in a document of the time of that kingdom drawn up between 572 and 589, to which was later added the annotation " " quae apud Gotos postea sedes fuit " " ( which later, under the Goths, was a diocese ).
- Serlo was appointed as abbot of the Augustinian house of Cirencester in 1131, His death was remembered at Salisbury on 30 January, where he was listed as " Serlo decanus Sarum et postea abbas Cirencestriae ", or " Serlo, dean of Salisbury and afterwards abbot of Cirencester ".
- He arrived at the heliocentric thesis ( as he was to write in a youthful treatise ) " " ratione postea equidem sensu " " : it was not observation but the discovery of a logical contradiction in Ptolemy's system, that served him as a point of departure that led to the new astronomy.
- Meanwhile, his search of the new ship has revealed not his phantom brother, Ferrante, but instead Father Caspar Wanderdrossel, " e Societate Iesu, olim in Herbipolitano Franconiae Gymnasio, postea in Collegio Romano Matheseos Professor, and, further, astronomer, and student of many other disciplines, at the General Curia of the Order ."
- Nam et invecta urbi Alexandrino trumpho regia gaza tantam copiam nummariae rei effecit, ut faenore deminuto plurimum agrorum pretiis accesserit, et postea, quotiens ex damnatorum bonis pecunia superflueret, usum eius gratuitum iis, qui cavere in duplum possent, ad certum tempus indulsit . "'Senatorum censum ampliavit ac pro octingentorum milium summa duodecies sestertium taxavit supplevitque non habentibus . "'
- Augustus s own version of the Battle of Philippi : " I sent into exile the murderers of my father, punishing their crimes with regular tribunals, afterwards, when they made war to the Republic I twice defeated them in battle " . " Qui parentem meum [ interfecer ] un [ t eo ] s in exilium expuli iudiciis legitimis ultus eorum [ fa ] cin [ us, e ] t postea bellum inferentis rei publicae vici b [ is a ] cie ".
- (Original description in Latin by Carpenter ) " Testa magna, conica, Turcicoidea, tenui; albido-cinerea, nacreo-argentata; anfr . nucleosis ? ( decollatis ), norm, vii, subplanatis, suturis alte insculptis; superficie spirae tota valide tuberculosa, seriebus tribus, alteris postea intercalantibus; peripheria et basi rotundatis, carinatis; carinis circ . 8, haud acutis, irregularibus, scabris, haud tuberculosis; lacuna umbilicali vix conspicua; apertura subrotundata; labro tenuissimo; labio obsoleto; columella arcuata ."
- He is commonly said to have been created Earl of Hertford by either Stephen, but no contemporary reference to him, including the record of his death, calls him by any title, while a cartulary states that a tenant had held " " de Gilleberto, filio Richardi, et de Ricardo, filio ejus, et postea, de Comite Gilleberto, filio Richardi " " ( " of Gilbert Fitz Richard, and his son Richard, and then of Earl Gilbert Fitz Richard " ), again failing to call Richard'Earl'while giving that title to his son.