preaxial การใช้
- The differential diagnosis includes Treacher Collins syndrome, Nager acrofacial dysostosis ( preaxial cranial dysostosis ).
- Unlike the straight preaxial margin of the humerus of " Atychodracon ", it is concave in " Eurycleidus ".
- In the specific case of preaxial polydactyly ( Hemingway mutant ), a cis-acting mutation approximately 1Mb upstream of Shh gene has been implicated.
- In the case of preaxial polydactyly of the Maine Coon cat ( Hemingway mutant ) a mutation of the cis-regulatory element ZRS ( ZPA regulator sequence ) is associated.
- Mutations of the GLI2 gene are associated with several phenotypes including Greig cephalopolysyndactyly syndrome, Pallister-Hall syndrome, preaxial polydactyly type IV, postaxial polydactyly types A1 and B.
- In 2001 family with a distal limb and sternal abnormalities were reported by Dundar et al . This autosomal dominant disease signs which are syndactyly, preaxial polydactyly prominent and upper sternum were established in affected individuals.
- The bottom end of the humerus is larger than the top end; it bears three articular facets, with one for the preaxial accessory element ( the smallest of the three ), one for the radius ( the tallest of the three ), and one for the ulna ( which forms an angle of 120?with the radial facet ) . " Sveltonectes ", " Nannopterygius ", " Platypterygius hauthali ", and " Platypterygius platydactylus " all only have two; " Maiaspondylus ", " Aegirosaurus ", " Brachypterygius ", and " Platypterygius americanus " also have three, but the second facet articulates with a different bone; " Cryopterygius " has two on the left humerus and three on the right; and " Platypterygius australis " and " Platypterygius hercynicus " have up to four facets.