premortal การใช้
- Jesus revealed to the brother of Jared that he had seen his spirit even as he would appear in the flesh ( his premortal spirit body ).
- The first-born spirit child of God the Father was Jehovah, whom Latter-day Saints identify as the premortal Jesus . < ! --
- The doctrine of premortal existence is described in the " Encyclopedia of Mormonism " in this way : " to Latter-day Saints premortal life is characterized by individuality, agency, intelligence, and opportunity for eternal progression.
- The doctrine of premortal existence is described in the " Encyclopedia of Mormonism " in this way : " to Latter-day Saints premortal life is characterized by individuality, agency, intelligence, and opportunity for eternal progression.
- This policy was known informally as the " Negro doctrine . " His basis for this defense was that in his view, those of black African descent had been less valiant in the premortal life that the LDS believe was a precursor to life on earth.
- *" Outer Darkness " is reserved for those people who, after gaining a full knowledge of the Gospel, willfully deny and contend against the Holy Ghost . ( Satan, his followers from the premortal life, and those who were born on earth but chose to become sons of perdition . ) These individuals who inherit no glory are called sons of perdition.
- Apostle M . Russell Ballard taught, " The premortal and mortal natures of men and women were specified by God Himself . & [ Sometimes women ] ask :'Is a woman's value dependent exclusively upon her role as a wife and mother ?'The answer is simple and obvious : No . & Every righteous man and woman has a significant role to play in the onward march of the kingdom of God ."
- The LDS Church issued an official statement about past racist practices and theories, stating : " [ t ] oday, the Church disavows the theories advanced in the past that black skin is a sign of divine disfavor or curse, or that it reflects actions in a premortal life; that mixed-race marriages are a sin; or that blacks or people of any other race or ethnicity are inferior in any way to anyone else.
- The Pearl of Great Price, one of the scriptures of the LDS church, states that Satan, the great deceiver, sought during premortal life to destroy the agency of man, and that he continues to seek to enslave men, women and children in whatever ways that he can in this world, to " lead them captive at his will . " LDS doctrine teaches that whatever leads in this world to enslavement, addiction, or forced behavior is ultimately instigated by Satan.
- Church leadership officially cited various reasons for the doctrinal ban, In 2014, the LDS Church issued an official statement about past racist practices and theories : " Today, the Church disavows the theories advanced in the past that black skin is a sign of divine disfavor or curse, or that it reflects actions in a premortal life; that mixed-race marriages are a sin; or that blacks or people of any other race or ethnicity are inferior in any way to anyone else.
- It is a central doctrine of the theology of the Church and provides understanding to the age-old question'Whence cometh man ?'" This idea is based on the opinions of several prominent church leaders, including apostle Joseph Fielding Smith, who held the view that the premortal life had been a kind of testing ground for the assignment of God's spiritual children to favored or disfavored mortal lineages . the appeal to premortal existence was confirmed as doctrine through statements of the LDS First Presidency in 1949 and 1969.
- It is a central doctrine of the theology of the Church and provides understanding to the age-old question'Whence cometh man ?'" This idea is based on the opinions of several prominent church leaders, including apostle Joseph Fielding Smith, who held the view that the premortal life had been a kind of testing ground for the assignment of God's spiritual children to favored or disfavored mortal lineages . the appeal to premortal existence was confirmed as doctrine through statements of the LDS First Presidency in 1949 and 1969.