probucol การใช้
- But researchers at the Montreal Heart Institute have found that probucol nearly halved the rate at which arteries reclogged following angioplasty.
- "' Probucol "'is an anti-hyperlipidemic drug initially developed in the treatment of coronary artery disease.
- Researchers say probucol's effect may not not be a result of its cholesterol-lowering ability, which is weak, but to its powerful antioxidant properties.
- Among 317 patients randomly assigned to different treatments, 21 percent of those who got probucol had reclogging, compared to 39 percent of patients who got a placebo, or inert pill.
- The new results suggest that probucol should be revived for at least some angioplasty patients, Dr . Peter Libby of Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston said in an interview.
- Probucol's manufacturer, Hoechst-Marion-Roussel took the drug off the market in the United States and many other countries two years ago because newer cholesterol-lowering agents worked better.
- One drawback of the abandoned drug _ it reduces blood levels of HDL, the " good " cholesterol _ may not be a disadvantage in this situation, Libby suggests, because probucol would be given for only six months.
- The other study, by researchers from Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston University School of Medicine and a Canadian hospital, found the least artery contraction in patients who took a combination of lovastatin and an antioxidant drug called probucol over the course of a year.
- Curiously, though, the study found that the antioxidants vitamin E and beta-carotene _ either by themselves or in combination with probucol _ did not protect against reclogging as well as use of probucol alone, the researchers report in this week's New England Journal of Medicine.
- Curiously, though, the study found that the antioxidants vitamin E and beta-carotene _ either by themselves or in combination with probucol _ did not protect against reclogging as well as use of probucol alone, the researchers report in this week's New England Journal of Medicine.