prosimii การใช้
- Prosimii included all of the prosimians : Strepsirrhini plus the tarsiers.
- Lemuroidea was later replaced by Illiger's suborder Prosimii.
- Since then, primate taxonomy has shifted between Strepsirrhini-Haplorhini and Prosimii-Anthropoidea multiple times.
- Philip D . Gingerich states that the seven Prosimii as an alternative to Haplorhini and Strepsirrhini, depending on the position of Adapoidea and Tarsioidea.
- Because of their historically mixed assemblages which included tarsiers and close relatives of primates, both Prosimii and Strepsirrhini have been considered wastebasket taxa for " lower primates ".
- Yet tarsiers still closely resemble both strepsirrhines and simians in different ways, and since the early split between strepsirrhines, tarsiers and simians is ancient and hard to resolve, a third taxonomic arrangement with three suborders is sometimes used : Prosimii, Tarsiiformes, and Anthropoidea.
- Before Anderson and Jones introduced the classification of Strepsirrhini and Haplorhini in 1984, ( followed by McKenna and Bell's 1997 work " Classification of Mammals : Above the species level " ), the Primates were divided into two superfamilies : Prosimii and Anthropoidea.