prytaneum การใช้
- In the public domain, the hearth of the " prytaneum " functioned as her official sanctuary.
- The Prytaneum, mentioned by Peisistratus, they took their meals in the Thesmotheteum for the sake of convenience.
- When Hypsicreon arrived at Naxos in search for her, she took up a suppliant's position at the sacred hearth in Prytaneum.
- This site of the Prytaneum at Athens cannot be definitely fixed; it is generally supposed that in the course of time several buildings bore the name.
- This is the function that Socrates referred to in Plato's Apology when he said that instead of death he should be sentenced to be cared for in the Prytaneum.
- The Prytaneum was regarded as the religious and political center of the community and was thus the nucleus of all government, and the official " home " of the whole people.
- There was also a court of justice called the court of the Prytaneum; all that is known of this court is that it tried murderers who could not be found, and inanimate objects which had caused death.
- Hestia's rites at the hearths of public buildings were usually led by holders of civil office; Dionysius of Halicarnassus testifies that the " prytaneum " of a Greek state or community was sacred to Hestia, who was served by the most powerful state officials.
- As punishment for the two accusations formally presented against him at trial, Socrates proposed to the court that he be treated as a benefactor to the city of Athens; that he should be given free meals, in perpetuity, at the Prytaneum, the public dining hall of Athens.
- At Athens, Cleon, his seemingly mad promise fulfilled, was the man of the hour; he was granted meals at the state's expense in the prytaneum ( the same reward granted to Olympic champions ), and most scholars see his hand in the legislation of the following months, the most prominent item of which was an increased levy of tribute on the empire.
- Expressing surprise at the few votes required for an acquittal, Socrates joked that he be punished with free meals at the Prytaneum ( the city s sacred hearth ), an honour usually held for a Crito, Critobulus, and Apollodorus, who guaranteed payment nonetheless, the prosecutor of the trial of Socrates proposed the death penalty for the impious philosopher . ( Diogenes Laertius, 2.42 ).
- The axe, therefore, as being polluted by murder, was immediately afterward carried before the court of the Prytaneum, which tried the inanimate object for murder, and, after the water-bearers who lustrated the axe, the sharpeners who sharpened it, the axe-bearer who carried it, each denied in turn responsibility for the deed, the guilty axe or knife was there charged with having caused the death of the ox, for which the axe was acquitted ( Pausanias ) or the sacrificial knife was thrown into the sea ( Porphyry ).
- When members of the state went forth to found a new colony they took with them a brand from the Prytaneum altar to kindle the new fire in the colony; the fatherless daughters of Aristides, who were regarded as children of the state at Athens, were married from the Prytaneum as from their home; Thucydides informs us that in the Synoecism of Theseus the Prytanea of all the separate communities were joined in the central Prytaneum of Athens as a symbol of the union; foreign ambassadors and citizens who had deserved especially well of the state were entertained in the Prytaneum as public guests.
- When members of the state went forth to found a new colony they took with them a brand from the Prytaneum altar to kindle the new fire in the colony; the fatherless daughters of Aristides, who were regarded as children of the state at Athens, were married from the Prytaneum as from their home; Thucydides informs us that in the Synoecism of Theseus the Prytanea of all the separate communities were joined in the central Prytaneum of Athens as a symbol of the union; foreign ambassadors and citizens who had deserved especially well of the state were entertained in the Prytaneum as public guests.
- When members of the state went forth to found a new colony they took with them a brand from the Prytaneum altar to kindle the new fire in the colony; the fatherless daughters of Aristides, who were regarded as children of the state at Athens, were married from the Prytaneum as from their home; Thucydides informs us that in the Synoecism of Theseus the Prytanea of all the separate communities were joined in the central Prytaneum of Athens as a symbol of the union; foreign ambassadors and citizens who had deserved especially well of the state were entertained in the Prytaneum as public guests.
- When members of the state went forth to found a new colony they took with them a brand from the Prytaneum altar to kindle the new fire in the colony; the fatherless daughters of Aristides, who were regarded as children of the state at Athens, were married from the Prytaneum as from their home; Thucydides informs us that in the Synoecism of Theseus the Prytanea of all the separate communities were joined in the central Prytaneum of Athens as a symbol of the union; foreign ambassadors and citizens who had deserved especially well of the state were entertained in the Prytaneum as public guests.