pygeum การใช้
- By this, he undoubtedly meant to reference Joseph Gaertner's genus, " Pygeum"
- Hooker gives scant hint of why he chose " pygeum "; however, what he does say indicates it was common knowledge among botanists.
- In 1965, Cornelis Kalkman moved " Pygeum " to " Prunus ", and this classification has the authority for now.
- :" Pygeum ( P . africanum bark extract ) has been observed to moderately improve urinary symptoms associated with enlargement of the prostate gland or prostate inflammation.
- Pygeum alters the activity of cytochrome p450, more specifically extremely strong inhibition of CYP3A4 and CYP2C9, suggesting that it may interfere with the effectiveness of other drugs or supplements.
- However, a recent cladistic study notes of " Pygeum " : " its relationships to " Prunus " remain to be tested by molecular cladistics ."
- Gaertn ., which innovates pygeum from a Greek word, ????, " rump, buttock ", because the two lobes of the fruit resemble the human gluteus maximus muscles.
- The extract Pygeum, an herbal remedy prepared from the bark of " P . africana ", is used as an alternative medicine for benign prostatic hyperplasia ( BPH ).
- A large number of clinical trials have been conducted to investigate the effectiveness of " Pygeum " in treating BPH, comparing it to a placebo rather than any pharmaceutical drug.
- Pygeum, a herbal remedy containing extracts from the bark of " Prunus africana ", is used as to alleviate some of the discomfort caused by inflammation in patients suffering from benign prostatic hyperplasia.
- When the publication came out the Hookers had named the plant " Pygeum africanum ", followed by the designation " n . sp . ", an abbreviation for " nova species ".
- The endangered plants Glochidion sisparense, Ilex gardneriana, Melicope indica, Memecylon sisparense, Pavetta hohenackeri, Peliosanthes neilgherrensis, Pogostemon paludosus, Pygeum sisparense, Symplocos pulchra and Youngia nilgiriensis are endemic to the Sispara area.
- ""'Pygeum " "'is a genus consisting of tropical trees or shrubs limited to tropical Africa, South & South-east Asia, Northeastern Australia, New Guinea and some Pacific Islands.
- Numerous human studies report that pygeum significantly reduces urinary hesitancy, urinary frequency, the number of times patients need to wake up at night to urinate, and pain with urination in men who experience mild-to-moderate symptoms.
- Contrary to what is stated by the N . S . R . C ., WebMD states : " . . . Pygeum contains chemicals that help shrink the prostate to relieve urinary problems such as poor urine flow and nighttime urination in men with enlarged prostates ."
- Further refinement shows that " Exochorda " " Oemleria " " Prinsepia " is somewhat separate from " Prunus " " Maddenia " " Pygeum ", and that the traditional subfamilies Maloideae and Spiraeoideae must be included in Amygdaloideae if a paraphyletic group is to be avoided.
- However, pygeum does not appear to reduce the size of the prostate gland or reverse the process of BPH . It is unclear how pygeum compares to the effectiveness or safety of other medical therapies, such as prescription drugs ( e . g . alpha-adrenergic blockers or 5-alpha reductase inhibitors ), surgical approaches, or other herbs / supplements such as saw palmetto.
- However, pygeum does not appear to reduce the size of the prostate gland or reverse the process of BPH . It is unclear how pygeum compares to the effectiveness or safety of other medical therapies, such as prescription drugs ( e . g . alpha-adrenergic blockers or 5-alpha reductase inhibitors ), surgical approaches, or other herbs / supplements such as saw palmetto.
- In order to add some more species to the Arboretum the following tree species were also planted . " Celtis tetrandra, Dillenia pentagyna, Elaeocarpres ferrugineus Elaeocarpres oblongus, Evodia lunuankenda, Glochidion neilgherrense, Ligustrum perrotetti, Litsaea ligustrina, Litsaea wightiana, Meliosma arnotiana Meliosma wightii, Michelia champaca, Michelia nilagirica, Pygeum gardneri, Syzygium amothanum, Syzygium montanum, Alnus nepalensis, Viburnum erubescens Podocarpus wallichianus, Rhodomyrtus tomentosa, Rapanea wightiana, Ternstroemia japonica, Microtropis microcarpa, Psychotria conjesta Photinea notoniana Cedrela toona Symplocos cochinchinensis, Elaeocarpus ganitrus, Platanus orientalis, Jacaranda mimosaefolia, Magnolia grandiflora " etc.