pyrenomycetes การใช้
- Although Franz von H鰄nel ( 1918 ) considered the Hysteriaceae to be pyrenomycetes, he proposed a radical revision of the Hysteriales.
- The rest of the Pezizomycotina also include the previously defined hymenial groups Discomycetes ( now "'Leotiomycetes "') and Pyrenomycetes ( "'Sordariomycetes "').
- Due to the seemingly transitional nature of the hysterothecium, neither fully open nor closed, hysteriaceous fungi have been placed in the discomycetes and pyrenomycetes about equally by various mycologists throughout the 19th Century.
- Sordariomycetes are also known as "'Pyrenomycetes "', from the Greek ??? ?-' the stone of a fruit'- because of the usually somewhat tough texture of their tissue.
- In Rabenhorst s " Kryptogamen-Flora, Die Pilze ", Heinrich Rehm ( 1896 ) compromised and placed the " Hysteriales " as an order intermediate between the pyrenomycetes and the discomycetes.
- Giuseppe De Notaris ( 1847 ) considered the " Hysteriaceae " to belong to the pyrenomycetes and used spore pigmentation to classify hysteriaceous fungi into the " Phaeosporii " and the " Hyalosporii ".
- However, from 1931 he began to specialise in fungi, and founded the Research School in Phycomycetes ( looking at fungi responsible for soil-born plant diseases ) and Pyrenomycetes ( wood-and bark-inhibiting fungi ).
- Traverso compiled the first four books of the series, dedicating the first book to the Italian Bibliography of Mycology and the subsequent to the group of the Sordariomycetes ( or Pyrenomycetes ), of which he was one of the leading specialists from around the world.
- Pier Andrea Saccardo ( 1873 ) initially followed Fries, but later ( 1874 ) placed hysteriaceous fungi in the pyrenomycetes, and carried de Notaris ( 1847 ) spore classification scheme further by dividing the Hysteriaceae into nine sections based on pigmentation and the morphology of spore septation.
- Job Bicknell Ellis and Benjamin Matlack Everhart ( 1892 ), in their " North American Pyrenomycetes ", tentatively included the " Hysteriaceae ", but stated that they had not at first intended to do so due to the transitional nature of the hysterothecium.
- In his earlier research he was interested in angiosperms such as the genus " Rosa " and the species " Drosera rotundifolia " ( common sundew ), From the late 1860s, he focused on mycology, publishing significant works on the fungal class Pyrenomycetes.
- The greatest of his works on plant pathology are dated from this period, which includes the studies on downy mildew of wheat ( " Sclerophthora macrospora " ), ink disease on chestnut trees caused by " Phytophthora sp . ", certain bacterial diseases, as well as significant works of mycology ( Baldacci, 1959 ), including 77 described species, and published works on the mycological classe of Sordariomycetes ( or Pyrenomycetes ), and on the families Xylariaceae, Valsaceae, and Ceratostomataceae.