quantitate การใช้
- Currently, the FDA is collaborating in adapting its methodology to quantitate very low numbers of the organisms in foods.
- Irrespective of the approach used to amplify the amplicons, some technique must be used to quantitate the amplified product.
- One of the more commonly used practices to quantitate DNA or RNA is the use of spectrophotometric analysis using a spectrophotometer.
- Given that it is so difficult to quantitate, it makes it difficult to know whether there is potentially any benefit to these children.
- Antoine Lavoisier is regarded as the inventor of elemental analysis as a quantitate, experimental tool to assess the chemical composition of a compound.
- Iam, lanam puram albam in alio aheno cum simili liquore " kwas ", et mediocri aluminis quantitate decoquunt, et salibus his bene imbutam exsiccant.
- According to research, the technology is imperative to quantitate changes in the saccades and monitoring or screening concussions as well as provides a fast and accurate assessment of cognitive functions.
- To date, there are two main approaches used by scientists to quantitate, or establish the concentration, of nucleic acids ( such as DNA or RNA ) in a solution.
- Drawing on multiple theoretical perspectives, from social constructionism to new institutionalism, she has employed a variety of quantitate and qualitative research methods to contribute to our understandings of crime response.
- The primary function of Image Studio Lite is to quantitate relative abundance of proteins on a Western blot or DNA / RNA in an electrophoresis gel from an image of the blot or gel.
- Abreu was also one of the first radiographists to develop quantitative methods to evaluate the area of internal anatomical structures and to use it in medical diagnosis, an approach which he used to quantitate images of the mediastinum, and which he named radiogeometry.
- In 1979, Pomerleau joined the faculty of the University of Connecticut Department of Psychiatry, where he collaborated with L . Everett Seyler to demonstrate and quantitate, at the human level, the release of beta-endorphin and other hypophyseal hormones in response to nicotine administration.
- They carried out diffraction experiments to determine the wavelengths of gamma-rays from radium, and were the first to be able to quantitate these, thereby showing that they were shorter than the wavelengths of then-known X-ray radiation that was produced by " Roentgen tubes ".
- De varia paschalis solemnitatis obseruatione . . . De Hebraica anni quantitate . . . Calendarium nouum cum noua aurei numeri positione, ortu quoque, & occasu stellarum fixarum " ( Venice, March 1537 ) is one of many sixteenth century attempts to reform the calendar, and establish, among other things, the correct day of Easter.
- Pitati also wrote another book bearing on the length of the solar and lunar year, the fixed stars, and calendar reform, entitled : " Compendium . . . super annua solaris atque lunaris anni quantitate Paschalis item solennitatis juxta veteres ecclesiae canones recognitione Romanique calendarii instauratione deque vero Passionis Dominicae die ortu quoque et occasu stellarum fixarum, in tres divisum Tractatus ".
- MethoCult " ! can be used to : quantitate and characterize hematopoietic progenitors from various samples using CFU assays; quantitate primitive hematopoietic progenitors from LTC-IC assays; evaluate hematopoietic cell growth and differentiation, and screen for new growth factors and / or inhibitors of hematopoiesis; quantitate hematopoietic progenitors following ex vivo expansion or T cell depletion; and test in vitro drug sensitivity of hematopoietic progenitors.
- MethoCult " ! can be used to : quantitate and characterize hematopoietic progenitors from various samples using CFU assays; quantitate primitive hematopoietic progenitors from LTC-IC assays; evaluate hematopoietic cell growth and differentiation, and screen for new growth factors and / or inhibitors of hematopoiesis; quantitate hematopoietic progenitors following ex vivo expansion or T cell depletion; and test in vitro drug sensitivity of hematopoietic progenitors.
- MethoCult " ! can be used to : quantitate and characterize hematopoietic progenitors from various samples using CFU assays; quantitate primitive hematopoietic progenitors from LTC-IC assays; evaluate hematopoietic cell growth and differentiation, and screen for new growth factors and / or inhibitors of hematopoiesis; quantitate hematopoietic progenitors following ex vivo expansion or T cell depletion; and test in vitro drug sensitivity of hematopoietic progenitors.
- Among the sources utilized by Giotto following Friar Alberto's advice are the Apocryphal Gospels of Pseudo-Matthew and Nicodemus, the Golden Legend ( " Legenda aurea " ) by Jacopo da Varazze ( Jacobus a Varagine ) and, for a few minute iconographic details, De libero arbitrio ", " De Genesi contra Manicheos ", " De quantitate animae ", and other texts from the Medieval Christian tradition, among which is the " Phisiologus ".
- If the sale is of things which consist " in quantitate ", and which are sold by weight, number or measure, as if one sells ten casks of corn [ . . . ] ten thousand pounds of sugar, or one hundred carp, the sale is not perfect until the corn is measured, the sugar weighed, or the carp counted [ . . . . ] For this reason, until the thing is measured, weighed or counted, it does not become at the risk of the buyer; for the risk cannot fall upon some indeterminate thing.