quinti การใช้
- The base articulates behind, by a triangular surface cut obliquely in a abductor digiti quinti.
- Being careful not to harm any essential structures, like the posterior interosseous nerve, the incision is continued between the extensor carpi ulnaris and the extensor digiti quinti, until the ulna is found.
- The " Editio princeps " by Aldus Manutius was published at Venice, 1504 under the title " Quinti Calabri derelictorum ab Homero libri XIV . Venetiis : in aedibus Aldi ."
- It demonstrated that the 2 commonest accessory muscles ( the peroneus quartus and peroneus digiti quinti ) which were thought to be variants of a single muscle are two different anatomical structures from an ontological perspective.
- Occasionally a few of the deeper fibers are inserted into the lateral part of the distal half of the fifth metatarsal bone; these are described by some as a distinct muscle, the Opponens digiti quinti.
- According to the author of the Gesta Henrici quinti, Henry V aimed to promote the honour of God, the extension of the Church, the deliverance of his country and the peace and tranquillity of kingdoms.
- Hugo Grotius responded to Welwod's critique by writing " Defensio capitis quinti Maris Liberi oppugnati a Gulielmo Welwodo " ( " Defense of the fifth chapter of Mare Liberum, opposed by William Welwod " ).
- ""'Carousel of Variety " "'( ) is a 1955 Italian musical film directed by Aldo Bonaldi and Aldo Quinti and featuring a number of performers in a revue-style show.
- Among the baggage that was discovered, which as per the agreement was to be returned to the Imperialists, were the possessions of a Quinti Del Ponte, a man who had served under the Swedish and had been paid to betray the Swedish and then desert.
- Leo was described as " Leon V, King of Armenia " on his own personal seal ( " SIGILUM LEONIS QUINTI REGIS ARMENIE " ), and as " Leon de Lusignan the Fifth " in the Middle French inscription on his cenotaph : " Leon de Lizingnen quint ".
- :" Ad Castrum Fumorense prop Alatrium in Latio, natalis sancti Petri Caelestini, qui, cum vitam eremeticam in Aprutio ageret, fama sanctitatis et miraculorum clarus, octogenarius Romanus Pontifex electus est, assumpto nomine Caelestini Quinti, sed eodem anno munere se abdicavit et solitudinem recedere maluit ."
- The music has clearly traceable Italian influences, with direct borrowings : one of the variation sets is built on a theme by Bernardo Pasquini, there is also a passage from Bernardo Storace in the " Spangioletta " variation set, and a verset by Alessandro Poglietti ( quinti toni no . 3 ).
- As this artery passes lateralward, it is first placed between the calcaneus and Abductor hallucis, and then between the Flexor digitorum brevis and Quadratus plant?as it runs forward to the base of the little toe it lies more superficially between the Flexor digitorum brevis and Abductor digiti quinti, covered by the plantar aponeurosis and integument.
- This latter work, the " Vita Henrici Quinti ", is the work for which Frulovisi is best known; it has long been considered the earliest posthumous biography of Henry V, though, in fact, it was heavily derivative of another work, the " Vita et Gesta Henrici Quinti ", once ascribed to Thomas Elmham.
- This latter work, the " Vita Henrici Quinti ", is the work for which Frulovisi is best known; it has long been considered the earliest posthumous biography of Henry V, though, in fact, it was heavily derivative of another work, the " Vita et Gesta Henrici Quinti ", once ascribed to Thomas Elmham.
- Tamphilus " expanded : " Marcus Baebius Quinti filius Gnaei nepos Tamphilus " translation : " Marcus Baebius Tamphilus, son of Quintus, grandson of Gnaeus " article title : Marcus Baebius Tamphilus Names incorporating filiation should not appear as article titles or in the bold lead, but can be used for redirects, or for prosopographical lists, where the convention should be explained.
- If the magistrate is to be identified with the historian, it must be " Quintus ", under the Republic spelled " Quinctus ", the Fifth . As the Romans used the same name in different generations, it may originally have had a numerical significance, but after dozens of " Quinti " it was perhaps just a name, abbreviated to an ignored " Q ."
- According to pseudo-Elmham " He fervently followed the service of Venus as well as of Mars, as a young man might he burned with her torches, and other insolences accompanied the years of his untamed youth . " Tito Livio Frulovisi in " Vita Henrici Quinti " also says, " he exercised meanly the feats of Venus and Mars and other pastimes of youth for so long as the king his father lived ."