ravenala การใช้
- Also grown for its foliage is the traveller's tree, " Ravenala madagascariensis ".
- Sonnerat described, among others, the emblematic traveller's tree, " Ravenala madagascariensis ".
- These lemurs are also significant pollinators of the traveller's tree ( " Ravenala madagascariensis " ).
- The nectar of the traveller's palm ( " Ravenala madagascariensis " ) is a favorite among ruffed lemurs.
- During the Millennium Park opening ceremony, each Commonwealth Head of State has planted symbolically a Ravenala madagascariensis palm giving birth to the Park.
- The floor is also typically made of " ravenala ", and the walls are constructed of braided " falafa " leaves.
- The long leaves are grey-green and arranged like a fan at the top of the stems, similar to " Ravenala madagascariensis ".
- The "'seal of Madagascar "'( rays emanate from the State's map, making it look like the Sun and also the " Ravenala ", a plant typical of Madagascar.
- Enormous fanlike leaves extend from the base of a traveler's palm ( Ravenala madagascariensis ), which is not a palm but a banana relative that hails from Barbados ( a somewhat pricier refuge of gardeners in winter ).
- He won the 1952 Prix Renaudot for " L'Amour de rien ", the 1966 Prix des Libraires for " Vie d'un pa飁n ", and the 1976 Prix du Livre Inter for " Le Ravenala ou l'Arbre du voyageur ."
- In the " serra della Regione " ( glasshouse of the regions ), there are potted specimens of " ( Ravenala madagascariensis ) " ( the traveller's palm ) and various species of " Anthurium, Codiaeum, Pandanus " and other plants from tropical and equatorial climes.
- The garden's six greenhouses cover about 1, 000 m?on three floors, with contents as follows : ferns; tropical plants including 25 Ficus varieties and a " Ravenala madagascariensis "; tropical aquatic plants; succulents including 30 Euphorbia species; herbaceous plants including Bromeliaceae and Orchidaceae; and a Cycadaceae collection.