recapitulatory การใช้
- After a somewhat abrupt end to this section, the original recapitulatory gesture.
- As usual, the final variation is recapitulatory, but here Haydn extends the variation with further development and a cadenza-like passage.
- The "'Type 1 Sonata "'is a bi-rotational structure : it includes only an expositional rotation, followed immediately ( or perhaps after a short link ) by a recapitulatory rotation.
- First, he structurally considers the Scherzo and recapitulation through the conclusion of the movement to all be part of the fourth and final rotation that he calls Rotation 4, bars 106 586 ( Scherzo; recapitulatory space ) .
- The key aspects of this sonata type include a "'retransition ( RT ) "'that concludes every rotation ( following C space ), a second ( developmental ) rotation that begins with P in the tonic, and an obligatory P-based coda following the recapitulatory rotation.
- This fully fledged " compound ternary " form features in quick succession a number of themes heard earlier in the sonata in a " tour de force " of thematic economy . The final recapitulatory section is launched by a driving " fugato " of contrapuntal skill which leads to the compressed return of the opening material.
- The " Fantasy " elements take over, however, at the end of the recapitulation : rather than settling comfortably into B major, the piece launches into a coda that is at turns free and improvisational, sequential ( almost a second development ), and recapitulatory . ( See for comparison the fourth movement of Scriabin's sonata in F # minor, which seems to be on ambiguous formal borderline between sonata-allegro and sonata-rondo .)