reduviid การใช้
- That's because reduviids often nest in the nooks and crannies of the poorest rural dwellings.
- Except for occasional cases of maternal-fetal transmission, intrafamilial spread of T . cruzi does not occur, except by the feces of reduviids.
- They resemble stink bugs, but instead of eating plants, Reduviid bugs suck the blood of humans and animals, then leave behind a plop of feces.
- House-dwelling insects, specifically known as conenose, or " kissing, " bugs ( entomologists call them reduviids ) transfer T . cruzi from animals to man.
- One scientist is exploring ways to manipulate the genes of Reduviid bugs to make them incapable of carrying T . cruzi, while another is analyzing the bug's saliva, which prevents blood from clotting.
- As a consequence of this national campaign, other arthropods were either eliminated or significantly reduced in number, including the reduviid bug responsible for Chagas disease ( American Trypanosomiasis ) and " T . penetrans ".