reithrodontomys การใช้
- There are three rodents that are larger than their mainland counterpart : " Oryzomys couesi ", " Peromyscus leucopus ", and critically endangered " Reithrodontomys spectabilis ", the latter of which is also endemic to the island.
- The creek hosts many protected species in addition to steelhead trout, including at least 17 plants, northern spotted owls ( " Strix occidentalis caurina " ), black ( " Laterallus jamaicensis " ) rails, and the salt marsh harvest mouse ( " Reithrodontomys raviventris " ).
- These include El Moro Canyon virus associated with the western harvest mouse, " Reithrodontomys megalotis ", Tula virus with " Microtus arvalis " and " M . rossiaemeridionalis ", Rio Segundo virus with the Mexican harvest mouse, " R . mexicanus ", Isla Vista virus with the California vole, " M . californicus ", and Prospect Hill-like viruses in " Microtus " species.
- The recovering 387-acre Wildcat Marsh ( once stretching to San Pablo Creek as part of a dynamic, contiguous 2, 000 acre system ) supports a diversity of endangered and threatened species, including the California clapper rail ( " Rallus longirostris obsoletus " ), the black rail ( " Laterallus jamaicensis " ), the salt marsh harvest mouse ( " Reithrodontomys raviventris " ), and the San Pablo vole ( " Microtus californicus sanpabloensis " ).
- Several endangered species ( mostly associated with the marshy discharge area ) present include California clapper rail ( " Rallus longirostris " ), California black rail ( " Laterallus jamaicensis " ), California brown pelican ( " Pelicanus occudentalis " ), California freshwater shrimp ( " Syncaris pacifica " ), salt marsh harvest mouse ( " Reithrodontomys raviventris " ), Suisun shrew ( " Sorex ornatus sinuosus " ), Sacramento splittail ( " Pogonichtys macrolepidotus " ).
- A number of endangered plants and animals are found in Sonoma County including the California clapper rail ( " Rallus longirostris obsoletus " ), salt marsh harvest mouse ( " Reithrodontomys raviventris " ), northern red-legged frog ( " Rana aurora " ), Sacramento splittail ( " Pogonichthys macrolepidotus " ), California freshwater shrimp ( " Syncaris pacifica " ), showy Indian clover ( " Trifolium amoenum " ) and Hickman's potentilla ( " Potentilla hickmanii " ).