rupicapra การใช้
- In the " Big Reservation " a Rupicapra skeleton was discovered.
- The other species has more recently been recognized as separate from the rest : the Pyrenean chamois ( " Rupicapra pyrenaica " ).
- The sole known rupicapra specimen was collected in the mountains of the Sepik River catchment by the German colonial Kaiserin Augustafluss Expedition ( 1912 13 ).
- It is one of the two species of the genus " Rupicapra ", the other being the Chamois, " Rupicapra rupicapra ".
- It is one of the two species of the genus " Rupicapra ", the other being the Chamois, " Rupicapra rupicapra ".
- It is one of the two species of the genus " Rupicapra ", the other being the Chamois, " Rupicapra rupicapra ".
- The fauna of Abruzzo is highly varied, including the region's symbol, the Abruzzo chamois ( " Rupicapra pyrenaica ornata " ), which has recovered after risking extinction.
- One, " Rupicapra rupicapra ", has no common name other than simply chamois and is native to the mountains of south and central Europe, Turkey, and the Caucasus in southwest Asia.
- One, " Rupicapra rupicapra ", has no common name other than simply chamois and is native to the mountains of south and central Europe, Turkey, and the Caucasus in southwest Asia.
- The "'Pyrenean chamois "'( Aragonese : sarrio or chizardo ), " Rupicapra pyrenaica ", is a goat antelope that lives in the Pyrenees, Cantabrian Mountains and Apennine Mountains.
- In a few brief notes the site is usually presented as a temporary occupation site or hunting camp specialized on chamois ( " Rupicapra pyrenaica " ) and ibex ( " pyrenaica pyrenaica " ).
- Tymfi holds the largest recorded population of Balkan chamois deer ( " Rupicapra rupicapra balcanica " ) in Greece, with a population between 120-130 individuals out of an estimated national population between 477-750.
- Tymfi holds the largest recorded population of Balkan chamois deer ( " Rupicapra rupicapra balcanica " ) in Greece, with a population between 120-130 individuals out of an estimated national population between 477-750.
- Its workers are 4 mm long . " A . polyrhachioides " is black, and " A . rupicapra " reddish-brown ( as implied by its specific epithet which translates as " red goat ", referring as well to the goat-horn like propodeal spines.
- The most representative animal of the Picos de Europa is the Pyrenean chamois ( " Rupicapra pyrenaica " ) or sarrio, or its more specific relative, the Cantabrian chamois ( " Rupicapra pyrenaica parva " ) or rebeco, of which there are many sculptures around the park, as well as the Spanish ibex ( " Capra pyrenaica " ).
- The most representative animal of the Picos de Europa is the Pyrenean chamois ( " Rupicapra pyrenaica " ) or sarrio, or its more specific relative, the Cantabrian chamois ( " Rupicapra pyrenaica parva " ) or rebeco, of which there are many sculptures around the park, as well as the Spanish ibex ( " Capra pyrenaica " ).
- :"'Genera "': Acinonyx, Addax, Aepyceros, Alcelaphus, Allenopithecus, Ammodorcas, Ammotragus, Anomalurus, Antidorcas, Antilope, Aonyx, Atherurus, Atilax, Bdeogale, Bos, Boselaphas, Bubalus, Canis, Capra, Capricornis, Cephalophus, Ceratotherium, Cercocebus, Cercopithecus, Cervus, Colobus, Connochaetes, Cricetomys, Crocidura, Crocuta, Crossarchus, Cryptomys, Ctenodactylus, Cynictis, Damaliscus, Dendrohyrax, Dicerus, Dorcatragus, Equus, Erythrocebus, Euoticus, Felis, Fennecus, Funisciurus, Galago, Galagoides, Gazella, Genetta, Gerbillus, Giraffa, Gorilla, Graphiurus, Heliosciurus, Helogale, Hemitragus, Herpestes, Heterohyrax, Hippopotamus, Hipposideros, Hippotragus, Hyaena, Hybomys, Hyemoschus, Hylochoerus, Hypsignathus, Hystrix, Ichneumia, Ictonyx, Kobus, Lemniscomys, Lepus, Litocranius, Loxodonta, Lutra, Lycaon, Macaca, Macroscelides, Madoqua, Malacomys, Mandrillus, Manis, Marmota, Mellivora, Melursus, Miopithecus, Moschus, Mungos, Mustela, Myonycteris, Myosciurus, Nandinia, Nemorhaedus, Neotragus, Nycteris, Ochotona, Octocyon, Oenomys, Okapia, Oreotragus, Orycteropus, Oryx, Otolemur, Ourebia, Ovis, Paguma, Pan, Panthera, Pantholops, Papio, Paraxerus, Pedetes, Pelea, Perodiciticus, Petaurista, Phacochoerus, Phacohoerus, Poecilogale, Poiana, Potamogale, Potomocherus, Praomys, Presbytis, Procapra, Procavia, Proteles, Protoxeros, Psammomys, Pseudois, Raphiceros, Redunca, Rupicapra, Scotoecus, Scotophilus, Selenarctos, Sus, Sylvicapra, Syncerus, Tatera, Tetracerus, Thamnomys, Theropithecus, Thryonomys, Tragelaphus, Trichechus, Ursus, Viverrra, Vulpes, Xerus and Zenkerella.