sahn การใช้
- Hassan Asfour-- HAH'- sahn AHS'- fohr
- Saeed Hassan-- sah-EED'hah-SAHN'
- Seung Sahn is the only person Kobong gave Dharma transmission to.
- In 1990, Seung Sahn Lee, certified Kim s enlightenment.
- Aung San Suu Kyi-- ahng sahn soo chee
- Ihsan Elashyi-- ih-SAHN'eh-LAH'- shee
- Bradley said in response to a question by an uncommitted Democrat, Jamie Sahn.
- Seung Sahn was a temple abbot in Seoul.
- Usually the main entrance of the house does not lead directly to the sahn.
- If in a sahn of a mosque, it is used for performing ablutions.
- SAHN was founded by Leo Gopal, a South African Hypnosis Trainer and Practitioner.
- Overall, the outlook for Mexico's economic growth is strong, said Sahn.
- Later in the United States he passed his first koans with Korean teacher Seung Sahn.
- A girl named Khe Sahn has joined the Dunbars, whose paterfamilias sired her in Vietnam.
- Mohammed Al Hasan Al-Moayad-- hah-SAHN'ahl maw-YAHD'
- Caisson-- KAY'- sahn
- In 1986, he co-founded a Zen temple at Furnace Mountain with Seung Sahn.
- Hashemi Rafsanjani-- hah-SHEH'- mee rahf-sahn-JAHN'- ee
- Boniface Alexandre-- BOHN'- ee-fahs ahl-ek-SAHN'- druh
- Zen Master Seung Sahn did publicly admit the nature of the relationships and did two repentance ceremonies.
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