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sanitate การใช้

  • Frank Croce also told their cousin, Frank Sanitate of Kansas City, Kan.
  • The five who received the tip from Sanitate passed it on to six others, the SEC said.
  • Ghorahi municipality has won the title of " Most clean and sanitated city " of Nepal many times.
  • He published several works on anatomy, including " De animi et corporis sanitate tuenda libellus " ( Paris, 1552 ).
  • Sanitate, a resident of Kansas City, Kansas, is an independent sales representative for various women's clothing companies in the midwest.
  • Sanitate purchased Grumman securities and tipped Jeff Godino of Boca Raton, Florida, Richard Haik of Springfield, Missouri, Alphonse Mercurio of Jefferson City, Missouri, Bob Huisenga of Sioux City, Iowa, and Lawrence Mathe, the SEC said.
  • Mercurio agreed to pay $ 52, 672; Haik $ 88, 142; Huisenga $ 63, 400; Godino $ 25, 000; Sanitate $ 36, 000; Frank Croce $ 10, 000 and Nick Croce $ 20, 000.
  • He was awarded as honorary doctor of the University of Valencia ( 1983 ); Life for Years Prize ( 1994 ); Semmelweis University's Golden Ring; Pro Sanitate Commemorative Medal ( 1995 ); Knight's Cross Order of Merit of the Republic of Hungary ( 2001 ).
  • The agency alleged that Nicholas Croce of Lake Grove, New York, a Grumman employee at the time directly involved in due diligence meetings in preparation for the merger, tipped his brother Frank Croce of Massapequia, New York, also a Grumman worker, and that Frank Croce then tipped their cousin Frank Sanitate.
  • The SEC said that Sanitate, a sales representative for various women's clothing companies in the Midwest, then bought Grumman shares and alerted five other men, all in the apparel industry, including Jeff Godino of Boca Raton, Fla .; Richard A . Haik of Springfield, Mo .; Alphonse Mercurio of Jefferson City, Mo .; and Bob M . Huisenga of Sioux City, Iowa.