sapotaceae การใช้
- The'miracle fruit "'Synsepalum dulcificum " is also in the Sapotaceae.
- The most common families of flowering plant are Sapotaceae, Rubiaceae, Euphorbiaceae, and Myrsinaceae.
- He wrote more than one hundred scientific papers and his main interest was in the Sapotaceae.
- The "'Sapotoideae "'are a subfamily of the flowering plant family Sapotaceae.
- The abiu tree is part of the Sapotaceae family and is very similar in appearance to the canistel.
- The most important plant families are Theaceae, Humiriaceae, Ericaceae, Compositae, Aquifoliaceae, Burseraceae, Sapotaceae.
- "' Phulwara oil "'is extracted from seeds of Phulwara tree ( Diploknema butyracea; family Sapotaceae ).
- In 1890, Jean Baptiste Louis Pierre named the genus " Beauvisagea " ( family Sapotaceae ) in his honor.
- It belongs to the family Sapotaceae with some 35 genera and 600 odd species, that are mostly trees with leathery, entire leaves.
- ""'Chrysophyllum imperiale " "'is a tropical tree of the family Sapotaceae native to eastern South America.
- The genus of the tropical fruit tree family Sapotaceae "'Labatia "', first described in 1788, was named after Labat.
- ""'Amorphospermum " "'is a genus of plants in the Sapotaceae family described as a genus in 1870.
- ""'Chrysophyllum " "'is a group of trees in the Sapotaceae described as a genus by Linnaeus in 1753.
- ""'Synsepalum " "'is a genus of trees and shrubs in the chicle family, Sapotaceae described as a genus in 1852.
- His botanical publications are restricted to the year 1958, when he published two systematic papers on Sapotaceae from Borneo with the description of a new genus and two new species.
- Not all sapotes are members of this genus or even family, however; many sapotes are in the family Sapotaceae, especially the genus " Pouteria ", and the black sapote is part of the Ebenaceae.
- Another seven families contain 80 or more species each : Poaceae, Apocynaceae, Cyperaceae, Cunoniaceae, Rutaceae, Araliaceae, and Sapotaceae, representing an additional ca . 660 species in all, 21.3 % of the angiosperm flora.
- ""'Mimusops zeyheri " "'is a medium-sized ( up to 15m ) evergreen tree belonging to the Sapotaceae family and widely distributed in rocky places from the east coast of southern Africa, inland and northwards to tropical Africa.
- Other tree families are occurring such as Pleurostylia spp . ( Celastraceae ), Foetidia spp . ( Lecythidaceae ), Olea europea subsp . africana ( Oleaceae ), Cossinia pinnata ( Sapindaceae ), Dombeya spp . ( Sterculiaceae ), and a variety of Sapotaceae species Sideroxylon boutonianum, Sideroxylon borbonicum spp . and Mimusops.
- His publications include the " Flore foresti鑢e de la Cochinchine " ( 1880-1907 ), an article " Sur les plantes ?caoutchouc de l'Indochine " ( " Revue des cultures coloniales ", 1903 ) and the section on Sapotaceae in the " Notes botaniques " ( 1890-1891 ).
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