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scabiosa การใช้

  • Red valerian, verbena, scabiosa, and salvias are other favorites.
  • Gerbera daisy and ` Butterfly Blue'scabiosa flower heavily in spring and fall.
  • 2000 : Scabiosa columbaria " Butterfly Blue, " the pincushion flower.
  • The larvae feed within the stem and roots of " Scabiosa " species.
  • Centaurea scabiosa has been used in traditional herbal healing as either a vulnerary or an emollient.
  • Other members of this family include 1020 Arcadia, 1228 Scabiosa, 2401 Aehlita, and 3395 Jitka
  • He called the species " Scabiosa trenta " in the published description, and drew it.
  • It is easily separable from related " Agnidra scabiosa " by the colour-pattern of the wings.
  • Blue ( for the new millennium ) _ from cobalt blue ceramic containers to Scabiosa Columbaria'Butterfly Blue,'the Perennial Plant Association's Plant of the Year for 2000.
  • Other plants include quaking grass ! crested hair-grass, Bird s-foot-trefoil, dwarf thistle, small scabious ( Scabiosa columbaria ) and hoary plantain ( Plantago media ).
  • Adults are on wing during the day and feed on the nectar of various flowers, including " Knautia ", " Scabiosa " and " Centaurea " species.
  • In particular, it has the largest area of the grassland type which is characterised by blue moor-grass, " Sesleria albicans ", and small scabious, " Scabiosa columbaria ".
  • The common names of these flowers are a variant of " widow flower . " Others are given the name " Scabious, " although this word belongs to a related genus ( " Scabiosa " ).
  • The grasslands at Quarrington Hill are typical of the type, being characterised by the presence of blue moor-grass, " Sesleria albicans ", and small scabious, " Scabiosa columbaria ".
  • Lifting them makes room for summer blooms, like the scabiosa and Russian sage I'm putting in the pots, and all the oreganos, lavenders, salvias and you-name-its I can't stop collecting.
  • In 1782, a mysterious pale yellow scabious, called " Scabiosa trenta ", was described by Belsazar Hacquet, an Austrian physician, botanist, and mountaineer, in his work " Plantae alpinae Carniolicae ".
  • Instead, modern surrogate iron gall formulas such as blue-black bottled inks by Lamy ( discontinued in 2012 ), Rohrer & Klingner " Salix " and ( purplish grey ) " Scabiosa " inks are offered for fountain pens.
  • The site's interest lies in an area of unimproved magnesian limestone grassland, in which blue moor-grass, " Sesleria albicans ", and small scabious, " Scabiosa columbaria ", are the dominant species.
  • Amongst these are found a number of species associated with limestone including kidney vetch ( " Anthyllis vulneraria " ), purging flax ( " Linum catharticum " ) and small scabious ( " Scabiosa columbaria " ).
  • Scabious flowers are nectar rich and attractive to many insects including butterflies and moths such as the six-spot burnet . " Scabiosa " species are food plants for the larvae of some species of Lepidoptera such as the grey pug moth.
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