schnecken การใช้
- Cincinnati Jewish Bake Shop Schnecken Total time : 1 { hours plus overnight refrigeration
- The Pennsylvania Dutch introduced Schnecken in the United States.
- Bake the schnecken for 15 minutes.
- "I would watch these German women in their aprons making schnecken, " he said.
- Sticky buns also have a Germanic origin and were originally known as " " Schnecken " ".
- The name " schnecken " means " snails " in German and refers to the shape of the pastry.
- Schnecken are commonly confused with rugelach, an eastern European ( Poland, Russia, Ukraine ) Jewish bun that is different in two respects:
- (2 ) Schnecken are rolled into a cylinder and sliced, becoming a flat spiral, whereas rugelach are formed from individual triangles of dough and rolled into a croissant shape.
- The bun is still common in Germany, where the name is " Schnecke " ( which is the German singular of " schnecken " ), and in other parts of northern Europe.
- Because the vast majority of American Jews are children of immigrants from Poland, Russia and the Ukraine, it's more common to see these pastries labeled as rugelach rather than schnecken in delis and bakeries.
- Ashkenazi dishes include chicken soup, schnitzel, lox, chopped liver, gefilte fish, knishes, babka " ), nut spirals ( " schnecken " ), chocolate rolls and layered pastries.
- Im Untergrund finden sich im Wesentlichen Liasplatten ( Tonschiefer ), die vor rund 180 Millionen Jahren auf dem Grund eines flachen, warmen Meeres abgelagert wurden und entsprechend viele Versteinerungen wie Ammoniten, Schnecken und Muscheln aufweisen.
- Rugelach closely resemble schnecken, an eastern European ( Poland, Russia, Ukraine ) Jewish pastry that generally has cream cheese dough and is rolled into a cylinder and sliced, becoming a flat spiral, whereas rugelach are formed from individual triangles of dough and rolled into a crescent shape.
- Gmelin as figured by Troschel ( Geb . der Schnecken, ii, pi . 20, fig . 7 ), except that the bases of the rhachidian and lateral teeth are subcircular, and on a few of the scythe-shaped cusps of the numerous uncini ( = the small teeth-like or hook-like structures on the radula ) are a few denticles.
- The delicatessen had only a one-burner stove, so Rose would cook in the apartment . " We worked in shifts until one in the morning when I would go home, set the yeast dough, and while it was rising, make cupcakes, ice a sheet cake, bake a batch of cookies, and roll the schnecken cinnamon rolls to let them rise again.