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scombridae การใช้

"scombridae" แปล  
  • Most mackerel belong to the family Scombridae, which also includes tuna and bonito.
  • The following cladogram illustrates the relationship between the tunas and other tribes of the family Scombridae.
  • Fish outside Scombridae have been found to cause scombroid fish poisoning, including mahi mahi, bluefish, marlin, and escolar.
  • The "'Queensland school mackerel "'( " Scomberomorus queenslandicus " ) is a species of fish in the family Scombridae.
  • Scombroid poisoning derives its name from the family of fish most commonly associated with the disease, the Scombridae family ( tuna, mackerel, skipjack and bonito ).
  • It lives in schools based primarily on fish size rather than species, so other members of the " Scombridae " family, like the Atlantic bonito, may be present.
  • Although it is frequently listed on menus as " Yellowtail tuna ", it is a fish of an entirely different family, the Carangidae, rather than the Scombridae family that includes tunas, mackerels, and bonitos.
  • While the bulk of the fish bone remains came from reef fish, about 20 % of the fish bones from the Pleistocene layer came from pelagic fish . The pelagic fish bones came from the Scombridae, Coryphaena and Carangidae families.
  • Relatively long-lived fish, Australian salmon are a favoured target of recreational fishers, and both commercial and traditional mullet ( Mugilidae ), white trevally ( " Pseudocaranx dentex " ), and mackerel ( Scombridae ) fisheries.
  • "' Scombrini "', commonly called the "'true mackerels "', is a tribe of ray-finned bony fishes in the mackerel family, Scombridae  a family it shares with the Spanish mackerel, tuna and bonito tribes, plus the butterfly kingfish.
  • The syndrome is named after Scombridae family of fish, which includes mackerels, tunas and bonitos, because early descriptions of the illness noted an association with those species; however, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC ) have identified other, nonscombroid vectors, such as mahi-mahi and amberjack.
  • Nearly 80 species of fish and shellfish are commercially harvested from seamounts, including spiny lobster ( Palinuridae ), mackerel ( Scombridae and others ), red snapper ( " Lutjanus campechanus " ), tuna ( Scombridae ), Orange roughy ( " Hoplostethus atlanticus " ), and perch ( Percidae ).
  • Nearly 80 species of fish and shellfish are commercially harvested from seamounts, including spiny lobster ( Palinuridae ), mackerel ( Scombridae and others ), red snapper ( " Lutjanus campechanus " ), tuna ( Scombridae ), Orange roughy ( " Hoplostethus atlanticus " ), and perch ( Percidae ).
  • It is found regularly in offshore and inshore waters, and is classified as a highly migratory species by UNCLOS . Occurring in large schools and weighing up to 36 lb, it is one of the smaller members of the tuna "'Scombridae "'family, and is one of the finest small game-fish in the Atlantic.
  • The World Wildlife Fund and the Zoological Society of London jointly issued their " Living Blue Planet Report " on 16 September 2015 which states that a dramatic fall of 74 % occurred in world-wide stocks of scombridae fish between 1970 and 2010, and the global overall " population sizes of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish fell by half on average in just 40 years ."
  • The "'narrow-barred Spanish mackerel "'( " Scomberomorus commerson " ) is a mackerel of the Scombridae family found in a wide-ranging area centering in Southeast Asia, but as far west as the east coast of Africa and from the Middle East and along the northern coastal areas of the Indian Ocean, and as far east as the South West Pacific Ocean.
  • The "'broadbarred king mackerel "'( " Scomberomorus semifasciatus " ) is a species of fish in the family Scombridae found in tropical waters of the western Pacific, along the northern coast of Australia and the southern coast of Papua New Guinea, from Shark Bay, Western Australia to northern New South Wales, in waters from the surface down to 100 m ( 330 ft ).
  • The World Wildlife Fund and the Zoological Society of London jointly issued their " Living Blue Planet Report " on 16 September 2015 which states that there was a dramatic fall of 74 % in world-wide stocks of the important scombridae fish such as mackerel, tuna and bonitos between 1970 and 2010, and the global overall " population sizes of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish fell by half on average in just 40 years ."
  • Most of the material acquired from the National Marine Fisheries Service Tropical Atlantic Biological ( TABL ) collection consists of western Atlantic fishes from nearshore shallows to moderate depths, with the families Argentinidae, Atherinidae, Balistidae, Batrachoididae, Belonidae, Bothidae, Branchiostomatidae, Caproidae, Carangidae, Clupeidae, Congridae, Cynoglossidae, Dasyatidae, Engraulididae, Exocoetidae, Fundulidae, Gadidae, Gerreidae, Haemulidae, Hemiramphidae, Lutjanidae, Macrouridae, Monacanthidae, Mugilidae, Ogcocephalidae, Ophichthidae, Ophidiidae, Paralichthyidae, Peristediidae, Priacanthidae, Rajiidae, Sciaenidae, Scombridae, Serranidae, Scorpaenidae, Scyliorhinidae, Soleidae, Sparidae, Sphyraenidae, Stromateidae, Squalidae, Syngnathidae, Synodontidae, Tetraodontidae, and Triglidae most common.
  • The "'blue mackerel "', "'Japanese mackerel "', "'Pacific mackerel "', "'slimy mackerel "', or "'spotted chub mackerel "'( " Scomber australasicus " ) is a fish of the family Scombridae, found in tropical and subtropical waters of the Pacific Ocean from Japan south to Australia and New Zealand, in the eastern Pacific ( Hawaii and Socorro Island, Mexico ), and the Indo-West Pacific : the Red Sea, the Persian Gulf, the Gulf of Oman and the Gulf of Aden, in surface waters down to.