sericitic การใช้
- The rock types are; vitreous quartzite, sericitic quartzite, and siltite-argillite.
- The bedrock is the Lower Cambrian Sugarloaf Mountain Quartzite, a massive white quartzite interbedded with softer sericitic quartzite, slate, and phyllite.
- Plagioclase will be altered to sericite ( a fine-grained white mica ) by sericitic alteration, and mafic minerals are replaced by quartz.
- The Kab Formation consists of dark grey sandy sericitic schists, interpreted as metamorphosed terrigenous rocks, acid volcanic rocks and minor beds of marble and phyllite.
- The Green Schist Formation, a distinctive unit overlying the Awband Formation, consists dominantly of green chlorite schists, and quartz-sericitic schists locally intruded by granodiorites.
- In this way they become schistose, and from their feldspar minute plates of sericitic white mica are developed, giving the rock in some cases very much of the appearance of mica-schists.