shrieval การใช้
- Beaumont was appointed by Her Majesty The Queen as High Sheriff for Cheshire for the Shrieval Year 2013 / 2014
- Offley's shrieval year commenced with the condemnation of Guildford Dudley, partizans from the Tower of London.
- He was High Sheriff of Hertfordshire for 2010 / 11 and served on the Council of the Shrieval Association between 2008-2012.
- The shrieval counties and shrievalties contrast with different words and meaning in Scotland where the office of Sheriff has remained a judicial office.
- Their jurisdictions, the " shrieval counties ", are no longer co-terminous with administrative areas, representing a mix between the ancient counties and more recent local authority areas.
- Historically they would be assigned to the " shrieval county " ( roughly the historic " shire " ) of the corresponding high sheriff, but under the Courts Act 2003, this connection is severed and the districts are not obliged to remain coterminus with the shrievalty.
- Since 1385 when the Court of Common Council stipulated that every future Lord Mayor should " have previously been Sheriff so that he may be tried as to his governance and bounty before he attains to the Estate of Mayor ", the shrieval year of an Aldermanic Sheriff is an obligatory trial run for would-be Lord Mayors of London.
- But whereas an English Circuit Judge ( sometimes called a recorder ) sits in judgement on Murder, Manslaughter ( culpable homicide in Scotland ), Rape, and Serious Fraud cases, with the same sentencing powers as an English High Court Judge, who tends only to be appointed to those types of case when there is a complexity or public interest element that warrants a trial by a more senior judge ( High Court Judge ) than a Circuit Judge ( Crown Court ), his / her Shrieval ( Scottish Sheriff ) counterpart is not allowed to sit in judgement on those more serious cases, which are exclusively reserved for the Scottish Criminal High Court with Scottish High Court Lords of Justiciary presiding.