skatole การใช้
- Skatole can actually show up in female as well as male pigs.
- :Skatole is one " offensive smell " component.
- As a result, skatole accumulates in the fat of male pigs as they mature.
- Skatole has been shown to be an attractant to gravid mosquitoes in both field and laboratory conditions.
- The gases which produce the odors in such feces comprise a number of sulfides, skatole and indole.
- The odor associated with flatus is due to hydrogen sulfide, skatole, indole, volatile amines and short-chain fatty acids.
- Slaughter at the standard six month age can help reduce the presence of skatole-based boar taint and androstenone-based taint.
- And that the smelly gases are indole, skatole and hydrogen sulfide ( of course, we adults do not know that ! ).
- The benzopyrrole volatiles indole and skatole have a mothball smell, and therefore probably do not contribute greatly to the characteristic smell of flatus.
- This is due to the presence of skatole, also known as methyl indole or methylated indole, another possible product of tryptophan degradation.
- I found a large assortment of articles via google scholar, searching various things like / [ skatole / indole ] fecal analysis quantitative /.
- The other major taint-causing compound, skatole, is also eliminated because the lower steroid levels allow the liver to more efficiently metabolise it.
- Gut flora produce compounds such as indole, skatole, and thiols ( sulfur-containing compounds ), as well as the inorganic gas hydrogen sulfide.
- My question concerns a quantitative analysis of the proportion of each of these sulfides, skatole and indole in the gases causing the odor in the feces.
- In domestic pigs the taint, called boar taint, is caused by androstenone and skatole concentrations stored in the fat tissues of the animal after sexual maturity.
- This is because the two natural substances that cause boar taint androstenone and skatole only start to accumulate in the fat of male pigs when they sexually mature.
- :Skatole is responsible for much fecal odor, and the term may help you find more quantitative assessments . talk ) 15 : 44, 8 February 2016 ( UTC)
- Skatole is one of many compounds that are attractive to males of various species of orchid bees, which apparently gather the chemical to synthesize pheromones; it is commonly used as bait to attract and collect these bees for study.
- Androstenone ( a male pheromone ) is produced in the testes as male pigs reach puberty, while skatole ( a byproduct of intestinal bacteria, or bacterial metabolite of the amino acid tryptophan ) is produced in both male and female pigs.
- Single synthetic compounds are commonly used as bait to attract and collect males for study, and include many familiar flavorings and odors considered appealing to humans ( e . g ., methyl salicylate, eugenol, cineole, benzyl acetate, methyl benzoate, methyl cinnamate ), and others which are not ( e . g ., skatole ).