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skeuomorphic การใช้

  • Many computer programs have a skeuomorphic graphical user interface that emulates the aesthetics of physical objects.
  • Archetype is the original idea or model that is emulated, where the emulations can be skeuomorphic.
  • Typically, compact digital cameras incorporate a nearly silent leaf shutter into the lens but play a simulated camera sound for skeuomorphic purposes.
  • Apple Inc ., while under the direction of Steve Jobs, was known for its wide usage of skeuomorphic designs in various applications.
  • Designed by Jonathan Ive, iOS 7 departed from skeuomorphic elements used by previous versions of iOS in favor of a flat, colorful design.
  • Until 2013, both applications used a strongly skeuomorphic interface, with a lined paper design; the Mountain Lion version placed this inside a leather folder.
  • Forstall's skeuomorphic design style, strongly advocated by former CEO Steve Jobs, was reported to have also been controversial and divided the Apple design team.
  • It is thought that the guttae were a skeuomorphic representation of the pegs used in the construction of the wooden structures that preceded the familiar Greek architecture in stone.
  • TFT LCDs are also used in car instrument clusters because they allow the driver to customize the cluster, as well as being able to provide a skeuomorphic, digital elements.
  • The triglyph is largely thought to be a tectonic and skeuomorphic representation in stone of the wooden beam ends of the typical primitive hut, as described by Vitruvius and Renaissance writers.
  • LG's software was generally panned for being unpolished in places, suffering from feature creep, and containing too many unneeded visual effects and skeuomorphic elements ( the latter having generally fallen out of favor ).
  • The design of both iOS 7 and OS X Mavericks ( version 10.9 ) noticeably depart from skeuomorphic elements such as green felt in Game Center, wood in Calendar, in favor of flatter graphic design.
  • The design of both iOS 7 and OS X Mavericks ( version 10.9 ) noticeably depart from skeuomorphic elements such as green felt in Game Center, wood in Calendar, in favor of flat, colorful design.
  • There seems to be a current trend of backlash against so called Skeuomorphic design made popular by Apple ( Think notepad app being exactly like a notable, calendar looking like a leather-bound desk calendar etc . ).
  • In the modern era, cheaper plastic items often attempt to mimic more expensive wooden and metal products, though they are only skeuomorphic if new ornamentation references the original functionality, such as molded screw heads in molded plastic items.
  • Even systems that do not employ literal images of some physical object frequently contain skeuomorphic elements, such as slider bars that emulate linear potentiometers Another example is the swiping hand gesture for turning the " pages " or screens of a tablet.
  • Above a plain architrave, the complexity comes in the frieze, where the two features originally unique to the Doric, the triglyph and guttae, are skeuomorphic memories of the beams and retaining pegs of the wooden constructions that preceded stone Doric temples.
  • These included animal ( zoomorphic ) shapes ( birds, horses, rabbits, flies, etc . ), letters or words, abstract symmetrical or asymmetrical designs ( including the so-called Celtic Trumpet designs ), and skeuomorphic designs ( symbolic designs ).